

You like a angel that coming to me. I confirm what I should do for you. You will happy all the time, because I will alway protect you with my strong and gentle. Your happiness is my own satisfation and your smile is the most beautiful scenery in my eyes.
第1个回答  2008-03-25
Like you like angels came to my side, I know what should be done. You will be happy forever, because I will be a strong and gentle to protect you and your happiness is my satisfaction, your smile is my eyes the most beautiful scenery ~
第2个回答  2008-03-25
You are like an angel similar arrive at me, I know and should do what.You would be happy forever, because I will use strong guard you with gentleness.You of the happiness be my to satisfy, you of the smiling face be the most beautiful scenery in the my eyes~
我的英语不是很好 检查一下看看有没有错误
第3个回答  2008-03-25
你像天使一样来到我身边 Like an angel you come to me;
我知道应该做些什么.你会永远开心,I know what should be done and you'll be happy forever;
因为我会用坚强和温柔去守护你 For I'll watch you with my willness and tenderness;
your joy is my satifaction and your smile is the most beautiful view in my heart~~~
第4个回答  2010-08-08

Hygiene inspection of tableware and service utensils. Daily (weekly) department head inspection or random inspection.
物品的卫生标准管理。比如,客房内的床单枕头,餐厅内的桌椅和吧台, gaming内的游戏设备,泳池的清洁卫生

Article hygiene inspection.For example, the hygiene condition of bed sheets and pillows within guest rooms, chairs, desks and bar counter within restaurants, recreation facilities within gaming area and pool area.
Club 环境(包括所有公共区域)卫生管理。例如地毯,门窗以及灯具设备的清洁和空气的清新。
Club environment hygiene inspection. For example, carpets,doors, windows, lamps and lanterns and air ventilation

Evacuate trash in time


Department heads are responsible for keeping and verifying bills and reporting it to superiors once there is a error identified.

Responsible for checking and storing valuables.

Department heads should be responsible for the evaluation of staff performance and the preparation for the next day's work.

Responsible for switching off all gas, water and electricity supply.

booking and cancellation 要详细记录在报表上,及时与各部门管理者沟通。比如,会员在假期的提前预定以及取消,餐厅的预定以及取消

Record booking and cancellation and keep communication with other department heads.For example, member's advance booking and cancellation during the holidays in rooms or F&B service.
场地租用的的形式,设备准备和服务要严格按照客户的要求。比如,婚礼的准备和流程的安排(the fuction center ),部门经理要合理安排时间,酒水和服务人员

Catering service should be in line with guest requirement. For example, the preparation and process of the wedding. Department head should be responsible for the staff duty roster and beverage service.
Food and tableware should be prepared in advance with quantity verification and hygiene inspection.
Store and Purchasing should be informed in advance for the guest extra requirement. For example, the layout of guest room, the signage for the meeting and the flowers for the wedding.