

1.The English names of the months of the year come from Latin.January,March,May,and June were all named after Roman gods.January was named after the goal Janus.Janus was a strange god with two faces that could look in two directions.He could look forward and back at the same time,so he was the god of beginnings and endings.January,the first month of the year,is a time at which one looks forward to the New Year and back to the old year.

2.The name February comes from a Roman celebration called Februa.Februa was a celebration of cleaning.Toward the end of February,after the long winter months,people begin to think of spring cleaning.This probably was the origin of the name of the month.February has only twenty-eight days except every fourth year,when it has an extra day.This is because in every year there are exactly 365 days and six hours.At the end of four years,these six extra hours of each year add up to twenty-four hours,or one full day.This fourth year,in which February has twenty-nine days,is called leap year.


3.The third month,March,was named after the Roman god of war,Mars.Mars was a strong god,and the Roman people always connected him with thunder and lightning.Pictures of Mars always show him with lightning above his head.It is natural that March should be named after this god since in most of North America,it is a month of strong winds,rain,and storms.There is frequent thunder and lightning in March.


4.The exact origin of the word April is not known.The word probably comes from the Latin word aperire,meaning "to open".Today,the Italian word for "to open" is aprire and the Spanish word is abrir.In the month of April,the skies open and give us rain.The rain aids in the opening of life among trees,grass,and flowers.


5.May was named after the young and beautiful goddess of the fields,Maia.Maia was the mother of the god Mercury.Another beautiful goddess,Juno,the wife of Jupiter,give us the name of the month of June.


6.The seventh month of the year,July,was named after Julius Caesar.Caesar was a famous general who became dictator of Rome.Before the time of Caesar,the year began in March instead of in January.Caesar made a new calendar,which is the one we use at present.He himself was born in July,the seventh month of the new calendar.

6.一年中的第七个月,JULY(七月),得名于以朱利斯·凯撒(JULIUS CAESAR)。凯撒是一个著名的将军,后来成为罗马帝国的独裁者。在凯撒帝国之前,每年开始于三月而不是一月。凯撒创造了一部新历法,也就是我们现在使用的这部历法。凯撒自己也出生于JULY(七月),即新历法的第七个月。

7.After Julius Caesar,his grandnephew Augustus became the ruler of Rome.Augustus' real name was Octavian,but when he became emperor,the people wished to please him.They gave him the title of Augustus,meaning "noble",and they named the eighth month,August,after him.


8.The months of September,October,November,and December need little explanation.In our calendar today,they are the ninth,tenth,eleventh,and twelfth months.But in the old calendar before Julius Caesar,they were the seventh,eighth,ninth,and tenth months.Their names therefore came from the Latin words for seventh,eighth,ninth,and tenth.


