

楼主你好,大概是写两篇什么样的作文呢? 追问: S城的 交通拥挤 想象日趋严重,事故时有发生,特别是在早晚上、下班 高峰 期。 市政 府决定采取措施改善交通现状,向广 大市民 征集建议。请根据下面的要点向市政府提出建议。 (1)修缮公路,改善路面状况; (2)(2)修筑 立交桥 ,缓解 交通阻塞 现象; (3)(3)控制 小轿车 的产量。 (二) 写一篇记述在 海滨 度假 周末的日记,内容如下: (1) 初夏 ,风 和日 丽; (2)(2)有很多游人和小船; (3)(3)我们捡 贝壳 ; (4)(4) 日光浴 玩得很愉快。 回答: HowtoSolvetheProblemofHeavyTraffic? Nowadays,peopleinmanybigcitiesarecomplainingabouttheheavytraffic.Ithasseriouslyinfluencedpeople'sdailylifeandeconomicdevelopment.Tosolvetheproblem,somepiecesofadviceareputforward. 补充: 接上面的。Somepeoplesuggestthatmorestreetsandroadsshouldbebuilt.Inthisway, thetrafficdensitycanberedncedihencespeedinguptheflowofbusesandcars.Butthenewroadsandstreetswillbefilledwithmanycarsandbusessoon. 补充: 接上面的。Somepeopleadvisetolimitthenumberofbikesandcars.Thiscandecreasethetrafficflow.Butontheotherhaad,thiswillaffecttheconsumptionandmakebusesmorecrowded. Inmyopinion,thenumberofprivatecarsshouldbeputundercontrol. 补充: 还是连接上面的。Inmyopinion,thenumberofprivatecarsshouldbeputundercontrol.Andatthesametime,busesshouldhavetheirownspecialrouteswhichcannotbeusedbyothervehicles.Besides,undergroundtrainandcitytrainshouldbedevelopedquickly. 补充: 第二篇。June.9th, Sunday, SunnyFinally it was weekend! I've been looking forward to it for a long time. My parents promised me to go to the beach at the very beginning of May, and today we did it!It was June and the summer has just started. the sun was shining 补充: 接上in the sky,however, it was not that hot for there were breezes!There were many people in the boats and walking on the sand. So we can't rest, we collected a lot of shells, they wereso beautiful that I have got a big bag ofthose masterpieces of nature. 补充: 接上Also the sunbath, yes! we did that too. I want to be tanned like a strong man!:)It was the first time I went to the beach this year. It is exciting to enjoy the sea, and I will go there again!The Notice on the Enlish Evening
第1个回答  2015-04-05
1 The traffic is becoming worse and worse in S city. Accidents often take place, especially in the rushing hours. In response to the city authority's calling, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, the government should repair roads and improve the pavement condition so that cars, buses and trucks can go smoothly can safely. Second, the government should build up overpasses to reduce traffic congestion. With more overpasses, drivers don't have to wait at traffic lights for too long. Last but not the least, the government should control the number of cars and invest more money to develop public traffic. Don't you feel there are too many cars now? With fewers cars and more public traffic tools, the traffic will become better because the road will have less pressure. I do wish my suggestions can be helpful and the traffic becomes better soon. 2. May. 27, 2012 Today is Sunday. I went to the seashore and had a happy holiday with my parents. It's the beginning of summer. The sun was warm and the wind was soft. There were many visitors and boats. We picked up many shells and we had a very happy sunbath. What a happy day!本回答被提问者采纳