
关于梦想的作文 最好可以延伸到电竞发展 再讲讲最喜欢的职业选手


第1个回答  2014-04-06
Dear Playdota users,

As our community grows and matures, one of the projects we want to undertake is to provide a quality discussion platform that is unique to our players' interests and habits. We feel the community should be empowered with directing its own Dota discussions, so we are excited to introduce a simple way for our users to rate the posts and threads of the community.

From now on, each post will have a green "Thumbs up" or a red "Thumbs down" option. Content-less or objectionable posts that have been thumbed down by the community will be hidden from view to give more visibility to useful posts. The users will now benefit from real time actions in lieu of waiting for staff to come online. Playdota staff will still be reachable if the post is reported, or through private message. Bear in mind that the forum rules still apply, so please continue to follow the forum guidelines.
第2个回答  2014-04-06
这简单 去百度一篇 英文版英雄简介 万事OK