

第1个回答  2014-03-25
1 It takes us half an hour to do English homework
2 Dave, how do you usually go to school? I usually go to school on foot but sometimes I will take a bus
3 Did they go to the radio station by underground train(subway\tube)? No, they didn't. They went there by train.
4 I go to the village every Saturday by bike and it takes me about 40 minutes to get there.
5 How long does you sister do her homework everyday? or How much time does your sister spend on her homework? 25miuntes.
6 How do your parents go to their office/ go to work? by car
7 I will either watch TV or have a walk with my friends after dinner
8 It is beneficial(good) to our health if we practice(do) physical exercise everyday
9 Mary usually comes to school by Taxi but sometimes by her father's car
10 Do you like to take a train to go to Beijing or by air?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-03-25
1, it takes us half an hour to do English homework .
2, Deaf , how do you usually go to school?
I usually walk to school ,but sometimes , by bus .
3, Did they go to broadcast station by subway ?No , they by bus .
4 , I go to village by bike every Saturday , it takes me about 40 mins.
5 , How long does you sister do homework every day ? 25 mins .
6, How do your parents go to work? Driving the car .
7, After dinner , i watch TV or take a walk with my friends .
8 , Do exercise every day is good for our health .
9 , Mary always take a taxi coming to school , but sometimes , her father send her .
10 Do you like to take a train to go to Beijing or by plane ?
第3个回答  2014-03-25
1、Spend half an hour of time doing my English homework every day
2. Dave, you usually get on schools? I usually walk away, but sometimes I go by bus
3. they take the subway to the radio, please? No, they go by train.
4. every Saturday I go to the village by bike, this bike cost me about 40 minutes by car
5. your sister do my homework every day how long will it take? 25 min
6. How did your parents work? Driving to
7、 after dinner, I'm either watching TV or walking with your friends
8、exercise every day is good for our health
9、 taxi Mary usually come to school, but sometimes he is doing his dad's car to
10、 you are like a train or a plane to Beijing
第4个回答  2014-03-25
2 Dave, what do you usually do at school? I usually walk, but sometimes I go by bus
3 they are take the subway to the radio station? No, they go by train.
4 every Saturday I was riding a bicycle to the village, the bike ride took me about 40 minutes
5 your sister doing homework every day how long will it take? 25 minutes
6 your parents is how to work? Drive to
7 after dinner, I either watch TV, or take a walk with friends
8 exercise every day is good for our health
9 Marie is usually taxi to the school, but sometimes is his father's car
10 you are loved by train or plane to Beijing