

My first test
The new term begins, we entered the five grade, each student is very happy, excited, we are all put into the study of tension.
After more than two weeks, ushered in the first math exam. Leaf teacher said to us: "tomorrow we want to test the first unit, please the students to prepare." In the evening, I carefully review the math, and then go to sleep. The second day, the papers sent down, I read the papers, they do it. To do behind the two application problems, I met a "stumbling block", I scratched his head, or do not come out. Well, I'm just like ants on the hot pot ". Ring, class, "I do not ah, how do ah, I certainly can not get out."
In the afternoon, the paper hair down, I can not wait to read the paper, "82 points! No, how could it be?" I blamed myself. "I did so badly in the first exam. How can I be so stupid."."
After this exam, I seriously think and reflect, I think that learning is not enough, learning methods may not be too scientific. My future, must make a change of my previous learning methods: homework after, be sure to promptly do. After class, to do serious review and preview; examination of the time, I must learn moderation, careful. After doing this, I will have more progress.