感到自卑 ,英语怎么说?

1 感到自卑
feel self-abased ,feel oneself inferior 都可以么?

feel oneself inferior 这个, oneself 加不加 都可以吗?

2 她因为身高矮,而感到自卑。

3 他因为贫穷 ,而感到自卑

4 他非常自信 / 非常有信心

5 A 是 B 的 20 倍

6 他是 一个自卑的男人 / 一个自信的男人


1. 自卑: feel self-abased和feel inferior都可以, 不用加oneself

2. 其实在这里有一个词来替代自卑很贴切: 即self-conscious, 它的直译是自我在意,但引申在这个句子里比以上的两个选择更恰当。
她因为身高矮,而感到自卑: She feels/is self-conscious [because of her short stature/about being short].

3. 他因为贫穷 ,而感到自卑: He feels/is self-conscious [because of his poverty/about being poor].

4. 他非常自信 / 非常有信心: He is very confident/he is full of self-esteem.

5. A 是 B 的 20 倍: A is 20 times (the amount of) B.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-01
1. 自卑: feel self-abased和feel inferior都可以, 不用加oneself

2. 其实在这里有一个词来替代自卑很贴切: 即self-conscious, 它的直译是自我在意,但引申在这个句子里比以上的两个选择更恰当。
她因为身高矮,而感到自卑: She feels/is self-conscious [because of her short stature/about being short].

3. 他因为贫穷 ,而感到自卑: He feels/is self-conscious [because of his poverty/about being poor].

4. 他非常自信 / 非常有信心: He is very confident/he is full of self-esteem.

5. A 是 B 的 20 倍: A is 20 times (the amount of) B.

6. 他是 一个自卑的男人: He is a man who lacks self-esteem或He is a man with little/low self-esteem.
他是 一个自信的男人: He is a confident man或He is a man full of self-esteem.追问


Somethings should be that you know by yourself

should be 后面的部分算是 表语从句么? 我想表达的意思 是,有些事 自己知道就行



It is well enough to keep certain things to yourself.

It is best to keep certain things to yourself.



谢谢您的解释,keep certain things 我不太理解意思啊,我翻译起来,保持确定的事情 ?


keep things to oneself是保持缄默,不与人说的意思,是一个固定搭配。我改动了一下,突出‘有些事’的意思。
e.g. He tend to keep things to himself. 他不爱和人沟通。

第2个回答  2012-11-10
1. feel inferior
2. She feels inferior because she is short
3. He feels inferior because he is poor
4. He is very confidant
5. A is 20 times of B
6.He is a man with an inferiority complex/ he is a confidant man
第3个回答  2012-11-10
Feel inferior
第4个回答  2012-11-10
feel inadequate