

Activity 2 P2
The letter format 写信的格式
enquire =inquire (about/into/after) v. To seek information by asking a question
He is going to inquire about trains to London.
• 他打算去打听一下去伦敦的火车。
• Who will inquire into this matter?
• 谁来调查这件事情?
• The lady inquired after your health.
• 这位女士问候你。
take on sb. (as) v. Hire; accept in a relationship
• 雇用, 在某种关系中接受
• Will you take me on as an assistant?
• 你愿意收下我作助手吗?
• Doctor Watson wasn’t taking on any new patients.
• 沃森医师不再收新病人了。
A range of … n. 范围 (变动/知识/视听/有效范围)
• a range of buildings 一排楼房
• a range of pictures 一系列画片
• a large range of motors for sale
• 一长排待售的汽车
• the annual range of temperature
• 每年的温度变化范围
• a wide range of knowledge 广博的知识
grow up v. 1) become adult长大;成年 2) come into existence 兴起;逐渐形成
• What are you going to do when you grow up?
• 当你长大成人时,你想干什么?
• New cities grow up into desert.
• 新的城市在沙漠中崛起。
apart from …prep. With the exception of;
• Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.
• 除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。
• Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.
• 除了几处刮痕外,汽车没有什么损坏。
When required = when (I am) required 如有必要
省略句: 当从句的主语与主句一致时,可以省略主语和系动词 be,仅仅保留后面的成分。
When heated, water changes into steam.
= When water is heated, water changes into steam.
While waiting for the bus, the girl read a magazine.
= While the girl was waiting for the bus, the girl read a magazine.
work on v. continue working; 继续工作
• They will work on till sunset.
• 他们将继续工作,直到日落。
influence (on / upon) • n. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events 常与 on/upon 连用)影响力;感化力
• My teacher's influence made me study science at college.
• 由于我老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。
• Many a woman has had an influence upon her husband.
• 许多妇女对其丈夫有影响
available • adj. Present and ready for use; at hand; accessible 可用的现实可用的;手边的;可获得的
• Chinese commodities available for export are varied.
• 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。
I'm sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size.
对不起, 这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。
at any time adv. 任何时候
You can call me at any time.
look forward to +n. / v.-ing v. be eager to do sth. 期待;盼望发生(+名词/动名词短语)
We are all looking forward to our holiday.
She had been looking forward to leaving the hospital wards for a holiday at home.
Activity 11 P9
as usual adv. As commonly or habitually happens 照常,照例和平常或习惯一样:
As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning.
While conj. Whereas; and: 然而;而且
You like tennis, while I'd rather read.
burst in v. To emerge, come forth, or arrive suddenly 突然地出现
She burst in while we were talking about her.
be worth + n./v.-ing adj. Equal in value to something specified 价值与…相当, 顶得上
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
It's worth+ 名词/动名词 值得……
It's worth seeing /. Hearing / reading.
Activity 2 P16
send v.tr.To require or enable to go:派需要或有能力去
She sent her children to college.
The judge sent the criminal to prison.
diagnose (as)v. To distinguish or identify (a disease, for example) by diagnosis.诊断,辨别或识别(如疾病)
The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.
The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties
老师找出那孩子阅读上困难的原因。( 比喻用法)
强调句型:It + is / was + 强调成分 + that / who + 从句
It was she who had been wrong.
It was John and his brother that we met in the park last week.
上星期我们在公园遇见的是约翰和他的兄弟。 (宾语)
It was in your room that I left my bag.
是在你的房间里我放下了我的包。 (地点状语)
It was not until last night that I noticed this matter.

take care of 照料
be good at 擅长
look after 照顾
in that way 在那方面
grow up 长大
get on 生活, 融洽相处
look like 和 take like 的区别
look like 像..., (外表特征)
be like 像…(性格特征)
take after 像..., 学…的样
like 喜欢 (做)… (练习 P23)
bring up v. To take care of and educate (a child); rear.抚养; 教育(小孩)
I was brought up by my aunt.
He was brought up to be honest.

grow up (自己)长大;成长
bring up (别人)抚养,养育
There the birds nest and bring up their young.
He grew up and became a soldier.
remember v. To recall to the mind; think of again. 记得, 回想起
1) remember to do sth. 记住要做的事
2) remember doing sth 记得做过的事
Please remember to mail it for me.
I remember seeing her once.
tell off v. To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone).责备,表达对(某人)的不赞成、批评或失望
I was ten minutes late and she told me off in front of everyone.
in one’s early/late twenties 在某人二十几岁时
In one’s teens 在某人十几岁时
move to …v. To go from one residence or location to another; relocate.搬家, 从一个居住地或定居点搬到另一个
Mary just moved to this community last week.
marry vt. To give in marriage. 结婚,把…嫁给,为…娶亲
be married 表示已婚状态
Jean is going to marry Hubert
Are you married or single?
1) go on doing sth. 继续做某事
2) go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事
Don't go on talking.
After he returned from USA, he went on to teach in a university.
call in v. To pay a short visit 短暂的拜访
We called in on our new neighbors last evening.
either … (or) … conj. before the first of 2 or more choices which are expressed by like noun phrases or verb phrases, ect., separated by or : 或是…… 或是…..; / 不是…… 就是……(前后连接的成分一致)
Either Tom or his brothers have to shovel the snow.
The books were either works on travel or detective novels.
这些书要么是关于旅行的, 要么就是侦探小说。
Either you must improve your work, or I shall dismiss you.
你必须改进工作, 否则, 我将解雇你。
poke one's nose into v. to inquire with too much interest into other people’s business
窥探; 打听(别人的私事)
Don’t poke your nose into the affaires of others.
This is something I told you not to poke your nose into.
put up with v. to suffer or bear patiently忍受, 容忍
She makes so much noise and I can’t put up with her any longer.
I went to see my dentist because I couldn’t put up with the toothache.
Whatever pron. 无论…,不管…
Whatever 引出让步状语从句
Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.
Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret.
Activity 11 P47
adv. In no particular direction
Did you look about ?
你四处看了吗 ?
He was wandering about with no place to go.
他一直四处漂泊,无处可去 。
wake up v. become awake: 醒 , 醒过来
Wake up , old chap! It's seven o'clock.
醒醒 , 老家伙 ! 都 7 点钟了。
She had to wake up several times when their baby was ill.
当他们的孩子生病时 , 她一个晚上要醒几次。
by 1) prep. Close to; next to: 接近;靠近:
2) adv. On hand; nearby: 旁边手边;就近的:
There was a lamp on the table by the bed.
At that time he stood by.
那时 , 他就站在旁边。
wave to v. To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: (常与 to 连用)招手,挥手(致意)
He waved desperately to his companion.
She waved as she drove by.
be (feel) proud of / (that 从句 ) being a reason for pride: 引以为荣的
He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.
Our football team feels proud that it has won every match this year.
Like being left
being left 动名词的被动语态作 like 的宾语
He could not bear being made fun of like that.
He left the room without being seen.
for a neighbor to come.
用介词 for 引出不定式的逻辑主语,这种结构作主语、表语、宾语、定语或状语。
This is for you to decide .
The furniture is too heavy for the girls to move.
on one's own
adv. 1) By one's own efforts: 通过自己的努力 , 独自地
2) Responsible for oneself; independent of outside help or control: 独立地,自己对自己负责
She got the job on her own.
He is now out of college and on his own.
keep in touch (with) v. communicate with: 保持联络
I have still kept in touch with several classmates.
People can keep in touch with each other even when they do leave.
call in v. “ 来访 ”
call on + 某人 . “ 拜访某人 ”
call at + 地点 “ 在某地拜访 ”
I'll call on Tom at his office tomorrow.
for one's age 就年龄来说
He looks too old for his age.
就年龄来说 , 他看上去太老了。
do sth. to sb.… 对某人做某事
How dare she do that to her mother?
她怎么敢那样对待她妈妈呢 ?
Activity 1 P58
carry on (sth. / doing sth.) v. To continue without halting; persevere: 不停顿地持续下去;坚持:
We must carry on in the face of disaster.
Even after the teacher entered the classroom, she carried on talking with her tablemate
即使老师进了教室, 她还是继续和同座聊天。
hand over (to) … v. (= hand down) 把…传下来 移交;让与
He had to hand over command of a ship.
The pickpocket was handed over to the police.
What to do with himself 动词不定式结构
形式: “ 连接代词/副词+to do ” , 这种结构起名词的作用, 在句子中作主语,宾语或表语。
When to begin the strike is not yet known.
The question is where to hold the party.
do with sth. v. to deal with …(对某物)如何处理
-- “What are you going to do with it?” -- “Keep it, of course.”
“你打算把它怎么处理?” “当然市保存下来。”
(be/go) on holiday (= on one's holidays) 在度假,[去休假]
When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle.
He is going on holiday to Japan.
hate being retired
being retired 动名词短语作 hate 的宾语
The boys avoided fighting.
She is good at telling lies.
too … to do sth. adv.(用于形容词或副词之前) “太… 而不能”|
These pillars are too thin to carry the roof.
He is too young to join the army.
他年龄太小了, 不能参军。
Activity 12 P67
very adj.(加强语气)就是,正是
He is the very man that came yesterday.
He was caught in the very act of stealing.
The very thought of failing in the English examination frightens me.
Care about v. To be concerned or interested:被关心或关注
She is very selfish, she doesn’t care about this kind if thing.
ask for v. To make a request of or for: 要求,要求给予
Mary asked for time to think all this over.
I’m rather sorry I didn’t ask for the job.
非常对不起, 我当时没有申请这份工作。
by chance accidentally 偶然地;无意地
I didn’t know anything about it. I just heard of it by chance.
I met him by chance in the park.
see sb./sth. doing sth.
现在分词与它前面的宾语一起构成复合宾语, 这个宾语是该现在分词的逻辑主语。具有这种复合宾语的动词多为表示感觉的动词, 如:see, hear, watch, notice, smell, find, observe, look at,listen to。另外有些使役动词。如:keep, get(使), leave, catch (撞见)等。
I saw her crossing the street.
We heard her singing all the time.
run over v.(车辆)轧过,压过, 辗过
The train ran over the poor fellow as he was crossing the line.
当他正要走过去时, 火车从这个可怜的人身上碾过去了。
the fall of An overthrow; a collapse: 倒台:
After the fall of a government, people were at a loss.
Sail v. To move across the surface of water, especially by means of a sailing vessel.航行(尤指乘帆船)在水面上行驶
The captain sailed his ship through the narrow passage.
The girl sailed into the room.
start doing (to do) begin to do sth. 开始干……
I started to earn my own living this very afternoon.
He started talking about some of the changes in his village.
amuse v. To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure. 逗乐,通过娱乐而使大笑或微笑
His story amuses me.
We were all amused at his foolish behavior.
Activity 2 P79
decided v. To cause to make or reach a decision.(常与to, that 从句)决心;决定
He decided to go himself.
The boy decided not to become a sailor.
She has decided that she will be a doctor.
raise (for) v. To gather together; collect :筹款收集;收敛:
They raised money from the neighbors for a charity.
They helped us to raise the 200,000 Yuan fund for the school buildings.
retire (from) vi. To withdraw from one's occupation, business, or office; stop working. 退职, 停止工作
He retired from the business when he was 60.
He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad.
take part (in) v. To participate . 参与, 参加
How many of you are going to take part?
They gave him the chance to take part in designing new products.
prepare (for) v. To make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion作准备, 预先为特定目的作好准备,如为某事或某种场合
The teacher prepared the students for the exams.
We stood side by side washing, and preparing for breakfast.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
take sb. to (into)…. V. to send someone to some place 送某人去某地
The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the center of Paris as he hoped it would.
You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.(谚)
引马河边易,逼马饮水难。(不要逼人做他不愿做的事。/ 善意不足以成事。)
the same as … Conforming in every detail: 完全一致的, 在每一细节上都一致的
Her hair is the same color as her mother's.
You can do it according to the same rules as before.
fit a. Physically sound; healthy 身体健康的
I keep fit with diet and exercise.
Activity13 P89
make a decision -- to decide sth. 作决定; 下决心
She could not make a decision about the dresses.
prefer (to) v. To choose or be in the habit of choosing as more desirable or as having more value 更喜欢, 作为更合意的或更有价值的而选择或习惯于选择…
I prefer coffee to tea.
He said that he preferred the country to the city.
他说城市和农村相比, 他更喜欢农村。
(be) aware of … to have knowledge or realization of 知道;意识
Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations.
Were you aware of the risk at that time?
Activity 2 P107
replace v. To be or provide a substitute for. 提供代替品, 作为或提供对…更换物
We replace defective tubes.
Can anything replace a mother's love and care?
commute v. To travel as a commuter. 通勤, 作为长期车票使用者旅行
n. (上下班)两地之间坐车往返; 往返的路程
The businessmen commute between London and New York
Most of us commute between home and office
There is about an hour's commute from the university
list n. a record of short pieces of information usually one below the other so that they can be read easily or count. 清单; 单子v. to make a list of sth. 列出; 列入
He put the newcomers’ names on the list.
Please make a list of things I must buy.
List all the things you need from the grocery.
I shall list my errands on a card.
fix v. To restore to proper condition or working order; repair: 修理,校准修复到正常状态或工作程序
Tom is coming to fix that broken machine this afternoon.
I asked the boy to fix the bicycle.
第1个回答  2006-03-16


一、 简单句与复合句的转换

1. 连接代、副词+to do sth.→ 连接代、副词+从句
I don’t know what to do.→ I don’t know what I should do.
2、decide/hope to do sth. → decide/hope that+从句
Joy decided to go alone. →Joy decided that he would go alone.
3、want/wish sb. to do sth.→ hope that从句
I want you to help me.→I hope that you’ll help me.
4、to do sth.(目的状语)→ so that目的状语从句
Rose got up early to catch the early bus.→
Rose got up early so that she could catch the early bus.
5.enough to → so … that + 从句
He is old enough to go to school.→He is so old that he can go to school.
6. too…to…→ so…that…
7. be born in the same year→ be as old as
8.The +最高级→ 比较级+than
Shanghai is the biggest city in China. →
Shanghai is ____ ____ _____ _____city in China.
9.分词+一段时间→ It’s +一段时间+since…
Rose has been away for an hour. →_____ an hour _____Rose ______.
10. sb. seems to do sth.→ It seems that +从句
He seems to know much about you. →
______ _______ that _____ _____ _____- _______ _________.
11. without…→ If 否定从句
You may fail the exam without hard study .→
You may fail the exam ____ ______ ________- study hard.

1.A,so B→ B because A
I got up late, so I missed the train. →I missed the train ______ I _____ ____ _____.
2. A,but B→ Though A,(yet)B.
Helen was ill,but she still came to work. →

3、祈使句,and/then简单句→ If从句,简单句。
Study hard,then you’ll learn English well. →
4、祈使句,or简单句→ If否定从句,简单句。
Hurry up,or you will be late for class.→
____ _____ _____ hurry up, you will be late for class.
1.sb. spends some time (in) doing sth.→ It takes .sb. some time to do sth
They spent ten minutes walking here.
2. sb. spends some money on sth./buying sth.
→ Sb. pays some money for sth./to buy sth.
→ Sth. costs sb. some money.
I spent five pounds on the book. →
3.adj→ not+adj.反义词
The math problem is hard to work out. →The math problem is ___ ___to work out
4.too+adj.+to→ not +adj.反义词+enough to…
He is too short to touch the doorbell. →He is not__ __ to touch the doorbell.
5.短暂性动词的过去式+ago→ have+延续性动词+for…
The film began five minutes ago. → The film ___ ___ ___for five minutes
I bought the bike two years ago. → I _____ _____the bike for two years.
6. be good at→ do well in
7. enjoy oneself→ have a good time
8. not…,not…either.→ neither…nor…9. 肯定句+肯定句,too.→ both…and…10.否定句.Instead肯定句→ 肯定句+ instead of 短语
The boy didn't listen to the teacher. Instead he made noises.→
The boy made noises instead of listening to the teacher.
11.How do you like…?→ How do you find…? What do you think of …?
12.Why don’t you…?→ Why not…?
13. May I borrow…?→ Can you lend me…?
14. Remember to….→ Don’t forget to …. →Be sure to …
15.can I help you? →_____


第2个回答  2006-03-17
The judge sent the criminal to prison.
diagnose (as)v. To distinguish or identify (a disease, for example) by diagnosis.诊断,辨别或识别(如疾病)
The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.
The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties
老师找出那孩子阅读上困难的原因。( 比喻用法)
强调句型:It + is / was + 强调成分 + that / who + 从句
It was she who had been wrong.