

2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛NEPCS初赛 高二年级组试题答案及评分标准 听力部分共三大题计 30 分 I. Responses句子应答共 5 小题每小题 1 分计 5 分 1—5 ABBCD II. Dialogues对话理解 共 15 小题每小题 1 分计 15 分 6—10 BADCA 11—15 BDACA 16—20 DBACE III. Passages短文理解共 10 小题每小题 1 分计 10 分 21—25 ACDBD 26. his son 27. The room 28. talk to reception 29. 10tenpeople 30. a pen 笔试部分共七大题计 120 分 I. Multiple-choice选择填空共 15 小题每小题 1 分计 15 分 31—35 ACBBD 36—40 DCBAB 41—45 BDACD II. Cloze完形填空共 14 小题每小题 1 分计 14 分 A) 46—51 CABDCB B) 52. language 53. survival 54. polite 55. surprised 56. informal 57. drink 58. leave 59. direction III. Reading comprehension阅读理解共 18 小题每小题 2 分计 36 分 A) 60. A 61. C 62. F 63. F 64. Because they did not make a reservation beforehand. 65. Cook some meals in their room at the Inn. B) 66. health care 67. drawing their pensions 68. entry-level 69. highly specialized skills 70. increase migration 71. culture C) 72—77 BEAGDC IV. Translation翻译共 5 小题每小题 2 分计 10 分 78. 没有人能否认这一事实即教育是人生最重要的一部分。 79. 这种风俗习惯已经存在了两千多年这令很多外国人非常吃惊。 - 6 -
80. If I have the honour of being chosen as a volunteerI will try my best to offer the best service. 81. The other daywe did a survey among more than 2000 students on how they spend their spare time . 82. I am interested in photographybecause it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. V. Error correction短文改错共 10 小题每小题 1 分计 10 分 At some point, most parents have to decide if or not to allow their children to have pets. Some parents believe what pets teac h children a sense of responsibility because of children have to learn how to take care of their pets. In additional, many parents believe that pets can be fun for the family. Pets can also help children becoming more compassionate because children will develop a special link with their pets. On the other hand, some parents夷afraid that their children might hurt the animals or that the animals might hurt the children. Cats are good pets, but some parents do not like it when they shed hair on the furnitures. Often these parents do not allow their children to have any kind of pet. Other families do not have an extra time or money that pets require. In brief, many children want a pet, and parents are divided on this issue for a number of significant reasons. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. whether that of addition become are 姨 furniture the but VI. IQ智力测试共 5 小题每小题 1 分计 5 分 93. I am 40 years old and my son is 10. / (40; 10). 94. DRINKABLE 95. 6 (418 伊 2 = 836, as 197 伊 2 = 394 and 236 伊 2 = 472) 96. MAKE GOOD 97. 42 minutes VII. Writing写作共 2 题A 题满分 10 分B 题满分 20 分计 30 分 A) One possible version: 19 Lucraft Close, Brighton Dear Mrs. MacDonald, January 10th A s you k now, we’ve been in the flat now for six months. We like it, but I’m afraid there are a few prob lems. First, the armchairs are in really bad condition. Could you please replace them? Secondly, the flat is extremely cold because the central heating doesn’t work at all. Part of the problem is the windows. They don’t fit very well, so they let the wind in. Finally, there’s the kitchen. It really does need painting. We are prepared to do the work ourselves if you pay for the paint. Can you possibly come and look at the flat? I’m sure you will agree with us. In any case, please let us know about these things as soon as possible. Y ours sincerely, Sandra Shaw - 7 -
B) One possible version: Everyone has a dream, whether it is to become a doctor, a teacher or a scientist. Education is the one thing that can make any of these dreams come true. We all know college is hard, but what we learned during those times are the key to being a success. College will to turn your ideas into businesses and your dreams into realities. From learning how to add small numbers in the first grade to doing matrices in college, education can open your mind to a world of opportunities you never thought possible. Our country develops the fastest in the world because so many young people attend college. They have the patience to attain the degree they dreamed of since they were in middle school. To me, getting a better education by going to college is really the key to accomplishing a dream.

