各位,谁能帮我用go on to do和go on doing造一个句子 还有stop to do和stop doing


go on to do是做完一件事,继续做另外一件事
After finishing homework, I go on to play football. 做完作业后,我继续踢足球。
go on doing 是继续做同一件事
After a short time rest, we go on to attend English class. 短暂休息后,我们继续上英语课。(可能我们之前是上别的课)
stop to do是停下来(一件事)开始做(另一件)事
We stopped to listening. 我们停下来,开始听听力。
stop doing是停止做某事
The bell is ringing, I stop watching TV. 铃声想了,我停止看电视。(走去开门或者接电话)