

1. The Earth is our mother; it is an indispensable part of our existence. Just as a mother nurtures her children, the Earth provides us with the resources and conditions necessary for life.
2. We must cherish the Earth, for without it, we would have nowhere to return. It is our home, our cradle, and our only planet.
3. Unfortunately, humans have not been good guests. We have exploited minerals without thought for the future, used chemicals carelessly, littering and causing severe environmental pollution. We have polluted our water resources through improper sewage discharge.
4. Let us not forget that when the Earth's true resources are depleted, our fate is sealed. There is no other planet that can support human life like Earth.
5. The Earth is a shared home for all living beings, where the harmony of all things exists. We must protect it, for it is unique and cannot be replicated.
6. It is our responsibility to safeguard the green waters and blue skies. Together, let us build a sustainable and green home for all.