

1. The English name "Sammy" is phonetically translated as "Sāmǐ" for Chinese speakers.
2. The name is typically given to boys.
3. The English pronunciation of "Sammy" is ['sæmi]. To pronounce this correctly:
a. Open your mouth wide, with the space between your upper teeth and lower lip able to accommodate about two fingers.
b. Raise the front part of your tongue while pronouncing and slightly touch the back of your lower teeth.
c. Gradually lower your tongue and jaw as you pronounce, emphasizing the sound and vibrating your vocal cords to produce the /æ/ sound.
Note: The /æ/ sound is a short vowel but can have some length in actual pronunciation. Be mindful of distinguishing it from the /e/ sound.
4. Languages of origin include Old English and Hebrew.
5. Similar English names include Sam, Samala, Saman, Samanta, Samantha, Samar, Samara, Sameth, Sami, Samia, and others.
6. Example sentences:
a. "Friends like you and Sammy?" - "你和萨米这样的朋友吗?"
b. "Sammy told me you were really nice to him." - "萨米告诉我你对他还很好。"