

The advent of the 51 labor, my mother took me to Dunhuang intention to play for five days, I very much agree.
  On the road, when we have Tulufan saw rows of densely green, and bear a string of small seeds, although small, but far and thin, like a fat baby face. Also take some time to Shanshan, we see a Journey to the West, described as the "Huoyanshan" like Hill, the results of a question is really Huoyanshan, so we bought two tickets, get the end of a moment. One into a hole, go inside a man-made "Huoyanshan" There are a number of attractions nearby. We looked at, there Gaochang city, qanat, Grape Valley, the ancient city of Jiaohe inside we continue to go there to see a full 40 meters of the Jin Gu Bang, the middle is also lit the red light, standing in front of it, looking towards the top hat will be out. Go in the inside, the last staircase, is Huoyanshan, his Monkey King was in front of a pressure element in the mountain scene below, as well as Taishang Senior Dan furnace was overthrown at the time of Miao Wei Wei Qiao scene, the image of a very realistic, like the real thing. When we go, good luck, just to catch up with the sun, and that scene, ah, the first time I saw such a red cloud around the sun are red and round, like in the horizon-like painting. While, the sun down by half, leaving only half of the sun, and then after a while, from the following out of the body, so that the sun was a middle of a cloud cover, the scene was strange, like the sun , like the sun to rise, attracting many tourists.
  After a day and a half's journey, we finally arrived at Dunhuang, the main tourist attractions and Crescent Moon Spring, Movie and Television City and the western Mogao four spots, we intend to have to see. Go to the Crescent Moon Spring.
  Crescent Moon Spring here why it is called? Legends colored sand is sand, red, yellow, green, white, black five colors. This sand and the sand appears as a matter of fact, every grain of sand has thousands of small holes. Legend, which is an ancient battlefield, a battle in ancient times, the officers and men were annihilated at this time, big winds, sand flying all over the sky, the northerly wind screams as the soldiers in their cry. When you draw with a board designated from the hills, you can hear the roar. This is the origin of Mainly because of Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang, Gansu is located, but also in the desert of Gansu, so a long time ago, here in particular water, in the desert, only that water, it saved hundreds of thousands of individuals, therefore, it is To mark this spring, on the shape of its name for the Crescent Moon Spring. After listening to the introductory tour, we started playing, first of all, we get the the camel's back, it has been climbing camel us, we have with reticle drawn down from the sand, did not expect really there, sound really stimulating! Go right look is Crescent Moon Spring, and Crescent Moon Spring is a next to the ancient Temple, which can be replaced in the ancient camera, photographers can also be taken to visit the King, very interesting!

Crescent Moon Spring Tour end, we have a Cave (ThousandBuddha Cave) to watch a hole 847 Mogao caves, but only the 15 caves, is one of the most worth a visit and within the three major Buddhist Mogao Grottoes. We go to the listening to the guide, the China Office by a total of eight volumes, and now only more than 8000 volumes, in fact, only more than 4000 volumes, as a foreigner in China has nullified by the book, not only Yes, there is no value left, and these are divided into two volumes for filling up and down a few, but this is not a foreigner to take away their own, but did not know a large basket of only a small profit margins that had these by the book and handed over to the foreigners had.
  Therefore, everyone says that he is a traitor. watching, we see the Big Buddha, the first 35.5 meters high Buddha, 12 meters wide between the knees. The second 31 meters high Buddha, 10 meters wide between the knees. The third sleeping Buddha is a Buddha, he 28 meters long, it is sleep, so cross and 8 meters between beds. And I are amazed at seeing her mother.
  The tourism, I am not only very happy to play, but also learned a lot of knowledge, has been a lot of inspiration: The Chinese Government should increase efforts to protect the monuments.
路上,我们经过吐鲁番的时候,看见一排排密密麻麻的葡萄架,绿油油的,结出了一串串小籽,虽然小,但都远远的,薄薄的,像个胖娃娃脸。又走了一段时间,就到鄯善了,我们看到了一座像西游记中描写的“火焰山”似的山,结果一问,还真是火焰山,于是,我们就买了两张票,进去完了一会儿。一进去就是一个洞,往里面走就是一个人造的“火焰山”,附近还有一些景点。我们看了看,有高昌古城、坎儿井、葡萄沟、交河古城 我们又继续往里走,看见一个足有四十米的金箍棒,中间还亮着红灯,站在它跟前,朝上看顶,帽子会掉的。在往里走,上个楼梯,就是火焰山了,他的前面有一个孙悟空被压在了五行山下面的景象,还有太上老君丹炉被推翻时的景象 惟妙惟俏,形象很逼真,像真的一样。我们走时,运气真好,正好赶上太阳落山,那景象啊,我还是第一次见到,这么红的太阳把周围的云都染红了,圆圆的,像画在天边似的。一会儿,太阳落了一半,只剩下半个太阳了,又过了一会儿,从一片云的下面探出了身子,这样,一个太阳被一条云拦腰遮住,这个情景很奇特,又像太阳落山,又像太阳升起,吸引了很多游客。
第1个回答  2012-08-06
这是一篇新出的杂志文章Amazon's recommendation secretWhen Amazon recommends a product on its site, it is clearly not a coincidence.
At root, the retail giant's recommendation system is based on a number of simple elements: what a user has bought in the past, which items they have in their virtual shopping cart, items they've rated and liked, and what other customers have viewed and purchased. Amazon (AMZN) calls this homegrown math "item-to-item collaborative filtering, " and it's used this algorithm to heavily customize the browsing experience for returning customers. A gadget enthusiast may find Amazon web pages heavy on device suggestions, while a new mother could see those same pages offering up baby products.
Judging by Amazon's success, the recommendation system works. The company reported a 29% sales increase to $12.83 billion during its second fiscal quarter, up from $9.9 billion during the same time last year. A lot of that growth arguably has to do with the way Amazon has integrated recommendations into nearly every part of the purchasing process from product discovery to checkout. Go to Amazon.com and you'll find multiple panes of product suggestions; navigate to a particular product page and you'll see areas plugging items "Frequently Bought Together" or other items customers also bought. The company remains tight-lipped about how effective recommendations are. ("Our mission is to delight our customers by allowing them to serendipitously discover great products, " an Amazon spokesperson told Fortune. "We believe this happens every single day and that's our biggest metric of success.")
Amazon also doles out recommendations to users via email. Whereas the web site recommendation process is more automated, there remains to this day a large manual component. According to one employee, the company provides some staffers with numerous software tools to target customers based on purchasing and browsing behavior. But the actual targeting is done by the employees and not by machine. If an employee is tasked with promoting a movie to purchase like say, Captain America, they may think up similar film titles and make sure customers who have viewed other comic book action films receive an email encouraging them to check out Captain America in the future.
Amazon employees study key engagement metrics like open rate, click rate, opt-out -- all pretty standard for email marketing channels at any company -- but lesser known is the fact that the company employs a survival-of-the-fittest-type revenue and mail metric to prioritize the Amazon email ecosystem. "It's pretty cool. Basically, if a customer qualifies for both a Books mail and a Video Games mail, the email with a higher average revenue-per-mail-sent will win out, " this employee told Fortune. "Now imagine that on a scale across every single product line -- customers qualifying for dozens of emails, but only the most effective one reaches their inbox."
The tactic prevents email inboxes from being flooded, at least by Amazon. At the same time it maximizes the purchase opportunity. In fact, the conversion rate and efficiency of such emails are "very high, " significantly more effective than on-site recommendations. According to Sucharita Mulpuru, a Forrester analyst, Amazon's conversion to sales of on-site recommendations could be as high as 60% in some cases based off the performance of other e-commerce sites.
Still, although Amazon recommendations are cited by many company observers as a killer feature, analysts believe there's a lot of room for growth."There's a collective belief within the e-commerce industry that Amazon's recommendation engine is a suboptimal solution, " says Mulpuru. Trisha Dill, a Well's Fargo analyst, says it's hard to fault Amazon for their recommendations, but she also says the company has a lot of work to do in offering users items more relevant to them. As an example, she points to a targeted email she received pushing a chainsaw carrying case. (She doesn't own a chainsaw.)
Besides refining the accuracy of recommendations themselves, Amazon could explore more ways to reach customers. Already, the company has begun selling items previously sold in bulk that were too cost-prohibitive to ship individually like say, a deck of cards or a jar of cinnamon. Customers may buy them, but only if they have an order totaling $25 or over. But the company could actively recommend these add-on products during check-out when an order crosses that pricing threshold, much like traditional supermarkets have impulse-purchase items like gum and candy bars at the register.
At that point, the Amazon customer, just as they would in the supermarket, might think, "It's just a few more bucks. Why not?
亚马逊还能通过电子邮件发送推荐。虽然亚马逊网站的推荐系统绝大部分依靠自动化,但至今仍有某些部分需要人工大量参与。亚马逊的一名员工表示,公司提供了许多软件,它们能根据用户的购买和浏览行为筛选目标用户。不过,最终目标的确认仍依靠人工而非机器。如果一名员工负责推销一部电影,例如《美国队长》(Captain America),那么他也许会想到其它类似电影,他要确保观看过别的卡通改编动作电影的用户都能收到亚马逊的邮件,以鼓励他们登陆亚马逊购买《美国队长》。
虽然很多亚马逊观察员将推荐视为其杀手级应用,但分析师们相信它还有很大的提升空间。穆尔普鲁说:“电子商务行业的普遍看法是,亚马逊的推荐引擎是一个次优选项。”富国银行(Well's Fargo)分析师穆普鲁•特里沙•蒂尔表示,虽然亚马逊的推荐几乎无可挑剔,但在向用户提供相关性更高的产品方面,它仍有很多工作要做。比如说,她就收到过一封推销电锯便携箱的邮件。(但她并没有电锯。)
第2个回答  2012-08-06
  Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like.
  Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clock. After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack’s favorite. Jack always play with him on the weekends. At night, he watched TV on the sofa. At the some time, he ate many delicious snacks. So he really had a great time.
  At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today. I will become the happiest boy all over the world