
Although there are certainly times when calling it quits is the right thing to do,
in most cases all that is needed is commitment and communication.

出处:2007年 高考真题(山东卷),完形填空

1 although- - - -, - - - -. 是让步状语从句
---- although there are -- - -, all that (== what) is - - -.
2 there are times when + 句子 -------是定语从句
times when (==at those times)
3 calling it quits (动名词结构做主语) is the right thing to do。
4 all that == what
all that i want is a rest == what i want is a rest.
5 翻译:尽管有时候放弃也是正确的选择,但在多数情况下,采取行动和沟通才是我们所需要做的事情。
第1个回答  2012-08-06
1. 主句其实很简单:Athough A, B. [尽管有A的情况,但是B可以有。]
2. A句子分析:there are times when C is right
C = calling it quits [call it quits是个固定短语,就是quit,放弃的意思。所以calling it quits可以整体看作一个名词。]
3. B句子分析:X is Y
- in most cases [状语从句,不多说了]
X = all that is needed [that...引导的是all的后置定语,all that is needed整体是B句的主语。所需要的全部。]
Y = commitment and communication [其中commitment是对事业、任务的担当、负责和献身之意,意译的时候我感觉专注和热忱之类的就可以。]

第2个回答  2012-08-05
Although there are certainly times when calling it quits is the right thing to do,
in most cases all that is needed is commitment and communication.
该句细看就不难分析:Although there are certainly times when calling it quits is the right thing to do, 是although引导的一个让步主语从句,(意为“尽管总有双方同意暂停争执才是恰当的做法这样的时候出现”),而主句all为主语,is为系动词,commitment and communication为表语,及that is needed 为修饰主语all的定语从句了(主句意为“大多数情况下,所需的所有做法就是敬业和沟通了。”)。