
假如你是某旅行社的导游,请你根据以下内容写一篇100词左右的导游词介绍张家界。①张家界位于湖南省西北部。张家界国家森林公园是中国第一个国家森林公园。80年代初对外开放。②张家界以自然美景出名,有深谷,奇峰,怪石,秀水。主要景点有金鞭溪,黄石寨等。森林覆盖率为97%。有各种各样的动物,有些非常罕见。③4月和10月是张家界旅游的最佳月份。因为这时的平均气温在20度左右,自然景色最美。④交通非常方便,可做飞机,火车,汽车到达。 英语作文

Zhangjiajie in hunan province is located in the northwest (1). Zhangjiajie national forest park is China's first national forest park. 80 s opening up. (2) the zhangjiajie to natural beauty famous, there are deep canyons, qifeng, peak, silk. The main scenic spots have golden huangshi village, etc. Forest coverage is 97%. There are all kinds of animals, some very rare. (3) April and October is the best month of zhangjiajie tourism. Because at this moment the average temperature is 20 degrees or so, the most beautiful natural scenery. (4) the traffic is very convenient, can do an airplane, train, automobile arrived. English composition