
1.Water is a sign of life——water is(B)makes life possible on the planet.
A.that B.what C.it D.which
2.World AIDS Day is also important in reminding us that HIV has not gone away,and (C)there are many things still to be done.
A.which B.what C.that D./
3.--Have you finished the book?-- No. I’ve read up to (D)the children discover the secret cave.
A.which B.what C.that D.where
4.(C)It was the dream ______ he would make a good fortune in the international stages ______ made Lang Lang decide to go to the USA for his further study.
A.that;where B.where;that C.that;that D.how;which
5.(C)Actually girls can be ___ they want to be just like boys, whether it is a engineer ,a nurse or a general manager.
A.who B.which C.whatever D.whomever
(B)6.Do you have any idea ____computer plays such an important part in our daily life?
A.when is it that B.how it is that C.that it is what D.what it is that
(A)7.The car manufacturer is much more productive.This year's production is three times
____it was five years ago.
A.what B.that C.than D.as
(C)8. ____goes against nature will be punished.
A. No matter who B. Who C. Whoever D. Anybody
(C)9. you don’t like your job in the company is none of your business.
A. Whether B. If C. That D. What

1. what在这里是表语从句中的主语,相当于what is A, A makes life possible on the planet.
2. that在这里不充当成分,及that后的句子there are many things still to be done是一个完整的句子。所以that在这里相当于so,and连接的前后两个句子存在因果关系。
4. 第一个that引导同位语从句,第二个that属于强调句型中的that,即去掉第二个that不影响句子理解。如the dream (he would make a good fortune in the international stages )made Lang Lang decide to go to the USA for his further study。这两个that都不充当成分。
5.对于whatever,可以把它还原成no matter what ,放回原句中就是Actually girls can be no matter what they want to be 。这句话翻译过来就是,实际上女生可以像男生一样,选择她们想要从事的职业,无论是工程师、护士还是总经理。
7.可以用排除法。首先排除than,因为只有出现比较级才会使用than。句子中没有比较级,所以不选。再排除as,有固定句型n times as +adj.+as。 在what和that之间选择,three times what it was five years ago= three times the production.... five years ago,what-名词性从句=the +名词+that-定语从句。这道题出的不太好。
8.no matter who 不能放于句首,因为它不能引导名词性从句,该句中空格部分充当主语。一般情况,no matter who =whoever,其它的no matter +特殊引导词相同。
9.that在这里不充当成分,引导主语从句。因为that后的you don’t like your job in the company 是一个完整的句子,所以不能选what。可以理解为A(you don’t like your job in the company )is none of your business。
第1个回答  2012-08-07
3、the children discover the secret cave是个完整的句子,不缺成分,因此用where
4、第一个that是定语从句,第二个that与前面的it was构成it was……that形式的强调句
5、这是让步句,因此选C或者D。they want to be缺少一个宾语,因此用whatever而不是其他(而且后面接的都是职业,因此是用whatever而不是whomever)
6、computer plays such an important part in our daily life句子成分完整,因此用how不用what
7、it was five years ago是宾语补足语,因此用what来作宾语
9、that you don’t like your job in the company 是that引导的主语从句,作为主语追问




第2个回答  2012-08-07
1make 前面少主语名词性从句
2that HIV has not gone away,and that there are many things still to be done.并列句充当宾语
3名词性从句 从句少状语 孩子们发现秘密洞穴的地方
4第一个是同位语从句 第二个是强调句型
5be 后面少表语 的名词性从句
6 根据题意选how it is that是强调句型结构
7名词性从句 五年前的内容三倍
8名词性从句 少主语 无论谁违背自然规律将会受到惩罚
9 you don’t like your job in the company是完整的一个主语从句 that 仅起连接词的作用不充当成分本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-08-07
1 表语从句缺主语 用 what
2 and连接2个并列宾语从句 第2个that不可以省
4第一个that引导同位语从句 第二个that引导强调句
第4个回答  2012-08-07
1题解析。在句子中既做主语又做宾语并引导从句,排除A、C。which 是“哪一个”,翻译上不过关,所以就选B了。