
I've got you covered. 有我在呢!A: I totally forgot to do my homework. B: Don't worry, I've got you covered. (A:我完全忘记做作业。B:没事,有我呢!) A:I don't have enough money to buy that bag. B: No big deal. I've got you covered. (A: 我没带够钱买那个包。B:没关系,我这儿有。)

楼主您好:表达可以算地道,其实简单点“you got me"就好,或是”you are covered"
I've got you covered is a way of saying I've got your back, or don't worry about it, I'll make sure everything works out.
Covered is also frequently used for paying. Like, if we go to a restaurant, and you take out your wallet, I can tell you "put that away, I've got you covered". it means I will take care of your payment for you.
“ I've got you covered”是说”有我挺你“或“不用担心”“我将保证一切顺利”的一种说法。
“ covered"也是一种经常用来表示付钱的词。如,如果我们去餐厅,并且你拿出了你的钱包,这时你就可以说”你不用管了(拿开你的钱吧),我来付。“这里 I've got you covered就是此意。
第1个回答  2012-08-19
地道英文.I've got you covered.