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关键词 Rubik's cube solving 总之就是教魔方的,


The first thing I'm gonna teach you to do is cheat. If you wanna solve Rubik's cube without memorizing everything is to twist top layer 45 degree, put you finger over here and or something else here, pile that piece and you can take out all the pieces and rearrange them as it solved. While cheating is easy, it’s not nearly impressive as actually solved in front of people. So I’m gonna teach you how to solve it.

Before I teach you how to solve it, I will teach you the move rotation because you’re not understand anything if you don’t understand the rotation, the side faces you is front side, this side is the right side, this side is the left side, the top side is up side and the bottom side is the down side. If I was to say “front”, it means you twist the front side clockwise; if I was to say “left”, twist the left side clockwise as though you’re facing it. Left inverted is the same thing but backward, counter-clockwise. Now you’ve known the move rotation, you’re ready to learn how to solve it.

Now you have to know the algorithm, it’s any sequence that when repeat enough time, the cube turns to its original position. Here’s a real basic and very important algorithm you need to know “right inverted, down inverted, right, down”. If you repeat that 6 times, then the cube will go back to original position.

Now we are ready to scramble and began to learn how to solve it. At this point, I would normally look all the around the cube for which side has the most already done would be the easiest side to solve fastest, but for you the beginner, we gonna start with the green side on your first couple of solve, just for the sake of consistency. If you want to figure out which side of the cube should be what color, just look at the center piece, this side is the green side because the center piece is green, no way that you move the cube can change the center piece.

The first step to solve the green side is gonna be solve the green cross in doing this we have to look for this four green pieces, one at a time. Before you can get piece you need to up here, you have to get it directly underneath where you need to be, get this in the bottom layer, swing it around to be white side. Once we have it there, if you rotate the front side twice, you have line up. It’s important, not just keep this cross, you have to worry about this lining up. Occasionally, you’ll find yourself in a position like this. You find this green piece right here, green and white lined up, get it underneath where it go right here, flip it up and put the wrong way. How can you fix it without screwing this up? While it use the first algorithm, it foes like this “front inverted, up, left inverted, up inverted” (Fi U Li Ui). Once you solve the top green cross, you’re ready to fill in this 4 green corners.

The first part of this is very similar when you solve the green cross. Before you get a piece, upward you need to be, you have direct it underneath. This corner piece is a green, white and orange corner piece. You have to get it directly underneath the green, white, orange corner right here. The algorithm to get it from here up to here is “right inverted, down inverted, right, down” (Ri Di R D). You have to it multiple times until this is in correct place with the correct orientation. Depending on the orientation on this cube, you have to do the “right inverted, down inverted, right, down” a different numbers of time. Once you get all the corner pieces up here, congratulations! You solved the first side of the cube. But if you do it correctly, you are not only solve the first side, you also solved the first layer.

The next step to solve the Rubik cube is going to be to solve this 4 corner pieces in the middle layer in order to solve the second layer. You have flip it over, so you put it down the green side. Then you gonna look in this top layer for one of this 4 middle pieces which does not have the blue one. Rotate this white line up with white right here and then you gonna need two algorithms: “up inverted, left inverted, up, left, up, front, up inverted, front inverted” (Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi). Here is the piece goes to the right: “up, right, up inverted, right inverted, up inverted, front inverted, up, front” (U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F). Using this two algorithms, you should be able to entirely solve the first 2 layers.

Once you solve this first 2 layers, you are going to have one of four different positions on this top blue side. Your goal is to get to this cross. When you have the “L”, hold it the “L” in the up face in the upper left hand corner. With helping this way, use the algorithm “front, right, up, right inverted, up inverted, front inverted” (F R U Ri Ui Fi), then you should get this line. Then simply repeat the algorithm to get to the cross. Once you have the top cross, you may notice that not all of these sides line up, but no matter what kind of cross you have, you should always be able to line up at least two of them. The algorithm is “right, up, right inverted, up, right, up, up, right inverted” (R U Ri U R U U Ri). Sometimes you would find yourself in a position of 2 the line-up are directly across each other on the cube. In this case, hold them one of them is in the front face and one of them is in the back face, and do the algorithm “right, up, right inverted, up, right, up, up, right inverted” (R U Ri U R U U Ri) and then you have two line-up next to each other.

Once you have the top blue cross solved, your next job is to get this 4 corner pieces in the right place but not necessarily flip the correct way. The way you start is to look one of this in the right place already. In this case, it is the red-white-blue corner piece. Sometimes it won’t be any better in the right place, just do this algorithm “up, right, up inverted, left inverted, up, right inverted, up inverted, left” (U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L). You can repeat it.

Once you have the pieces in the right place, the only thing left is to flip this so that it orients in the right way. This step seems like you have to mess up all you have done, but it come together magically in the end. Do the algorithm “right inverted, down inverted, right, down” (Ri Di R D). Once this piece already needed to be, rotates just the upper layer, so the other piece not solved is where it needs to be, solve it. Then you solve the cube. Congratulations!
第1个回答  2010-01-17

1) Fi U Li Ui (F是指一开始确定好的前面,U是上面,L是左面,R是右面,D是下面,i代表逆时针旋,没有i代表顺时针旋转),在这之后继续按照视频做就好步骤依次是2) Ri Di R D 3) U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F 4) Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi 5) F R U Ri Ui Fi 6) R U Ri U R U U Ri 7) U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L 8) Ri Di R D
找到其中一个有绿色的角落,有黄白绿组成。然后要把这个角转到正下方。你照他做。RI,DI,R,D 6次,其余类推。有的需要转更多次,有的一次就完成。
第2个回答  2010-01-17
能语音不 在线给你同步语音翻译 你能听就行
第3个回答  2010-01-17
gbc nbhhdsgfhs sdgfhsdygfshdgfgsjf dshfghsdg dshfghsd dshfghd ghfhds ghsdf sdhgf sgfsufsheguytrey reyfgduiooowgfd hsdygfhs hdsgjshdgfjhsgfhakfhusdhjfgs hdsgfjhsgfshdgfdsjh djfgjdsgfksff hjsdfgjsdf
第4个回答  2010-01-17