关于画家风格的英语作文 十万火急!!!


Boucher (Buxie, F · Boucher ,1703-1770) Rococo painting on behalf of those who
Angel is an outstanding 19th-century French classical painter
Delacroix (1798-1963), is a 19th century the most outstanding representatives of French romanticism
Miller (Jean-Francois millet 1814 - 1875) French painter. In Miller's works, the reality of the image also has symbolic meaning
Edgar Degas Impressionism representative
Van Gogh Dutch painter, Post-Impressionism
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) was a well-deserved leaders Fauvism
Picasso style, original and colorful changing modern art magician cubist school of painting
Kandinsky (W. Kandinsky 1866-1944), one of the great figures of modern art. Modern abstract art in the theory and practice of the founder of the
Munch, is a unique Norwegian-style big-name artists. Nordic expressionism pioneer.
Dusan early learning style of Impressionism
El Salvador - Dali (SalvadorDail), 1904 Nian 5 Yue was born in Spain, Figueras, Spain 11 Surrealist painter and graphic art.
But now China's contemporary women painters of the epistemology is self, gender, knowledge, social relations and culture thoroughly rebellion.
第1个回答  2010-01-16