

Couch Potato
Couch Potato

Couch 指的是沙发,Potato就是指土豆。Couch Potato 是指那些一有时间就坐在沙发上面看电视的人。他们坐在那里一声也不吭,一动也不动,就像一个土豆一样。下面讲话的人,就是一个Couch Potato。

Example: "Why should I go out to see a movie or a concert--it's a lot more comfortable to stay at home. I have cable TV, which gives me a choice of 30 different programs. Why, I can see a championship fight right in my living room. Or I can rent a good movie for a couple of bucks and watch it on my VCR."


Couch Potato可能也知道他们的习惯不好。下面这个例子是一个Couch Potato在说他如何处理孩子看电视的问题。

Example: "I'm a couch potato and it's too late for me to change. But we try to keep our kids from watching more than two hours of television a day: we don't want them to be couch potatoes, too."


美国有许多购物中心。美国人把它们叫做: Mall。青少年极喜欢去逛。因为被叫做:

Mall rats

Rat就是老鼠。Mall rats当然并非真的指老鼠,而是指那些年轻人像老鼠一样在Mall里面钻来钻去。下面是一个Mall rats在说一个大购物中心是如何的好玩。

Example: "Hey there's always something to do there for us mall rats. At least a dozen fast food places where we can buy a burger, a slice of pizza, ice cream--whatever. Ten different movie theaters. And a whole lot of people to watch, you know? I can, like, spend the whole day there, you know?"



Example: "Sure, I used to be a typical mall rats hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But then I went out for basketball, made the team and I don't have time to waste anymore."


我们今天讲了两个和美国人的习惯有关系的俗语 Couch potato 和 Mall rats.

Couch potato 是指那些一有空就坐在沙发上面看电视的人。

Mall rats 指的是那些老喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人。
第1个回答  2010-01-15
couch potato
