
《荆棘鸟(The thorn birds)》中有一个传说,说的是这样的一只鸟:它一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有生灵的歌声都更加优美动听。从离开巢窝的那一刻起,它就在寻找着荆棘树,知道如愿以偿,才歇下来。然后把自己的身体扎进最长,最尖的荆棘上,在荒蛮的枝条之间放开了歌喉。在奄奄一息的时候,它超脱了自己的痛苦,而那歌声竟也使夜莺和云雀都黯然失色。这是一首无比美好的歌,是用生命来演绎的歌,曲终而命竭。然后,整个世界都在静静的谛听着,上帝也在苍穹中微笑。因为最美好的东西只能用深痛巨创来换取。这是《荆棘鸟》的题记,虽然只是一个传说,但却在我们的生活中一遍又一遍的演绎,我们都想荆棘鸟一样,一生都在寻找着什么,荆棘鸟寻找的是荆棘,而我们寻找的是幸福。荆棘鸟把它生命最后的那一声撕心裂肺的鸣叫当做是一生的幸福,我们寻找幸福时也有撕心裂肺,到底是什么使我们感觉撕心裂肺呢,是爱吧,爱才会有如此之大的魔力,就像作者所说的:最美好的东西只能用深痛巨创来换取。《荆棘鸟》中的梅吉,是一个美轮美奂的姑娘,爱上了一个不可能同她在一起的神父拉尔夫,但还是无怨无悔,继续等待,可能是在等待有奇迹出现。当拉尔夫在金钱面前失去自己的时候,她就知道是不可能的了,可她依然把这爱的荆棘插进自己的胸膛,为自己凄美的爱情唱出最凄美的挽歌。这也就是真正的爱和一切美好的东西是需要用难以想象的代价来换取的。梅吉为了自己的爱情付出了沉重的代价,所有人或多或少都会付出相应的代价。
再看王尔德的《夜莺与蔷薇(The nightingale and the rose)》夜莺为了替男孩取得红色的蔷薇,在月光下将自己的心插进蔷薇的刺中,然后再整晚的歌唱知道她生命的血液流到蔷薇的心房里变成蔷薇的。她痛的越厉害,歌声也就越激昂,她从唱一对小儿女的爱情到成年男女心灵上的热情,再到由死来完成的爱,在坟墓里不朽的爱,歌声越唱越响亮,唱到连蔷薇也颤红了心,唱到连明月也忘记了下落,她的歌声传进了紫洞,唤醒了睡梦中的牧童,飘过芦苇丛飘过大海••••••得到了在月光下造就的,用心血来染红的蔷薇(build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's-blood.)。然而,就是夜莺用生命换来的蔷薇也没有被人重视,最后被丢在了车辙下,虽然是这样,但是夜莺自己或者是听她唱歌的都得到了此生最美好的音乐。夜莺之所以这样做,是因为它觉得:不管哲学怎样聪明,爱情比它更聪明;不管权力多伟大,爱情却比它更伟大。“心的破碎,爱的困厄”和“至爱而死”这就是王尔德童话主题的概括,以及他本人对艺术美的追求的写照。也表现了世间人对爱情的追求,虽然会付出很大的代价,但还是前赴后继的去寻找爱情的幸福。

Love, love and death of distress
Love is a beautiful scenery line, love is an ancient and often new topic. People in the most beautiful language to describe its eternal love, with the immortal brings human spiritual motivation, emotional, life. Life without love is pale, depression, or even meaningless. I think it is not only in the literature, but most people are good, I want the pursuit of love, must want to pay a heavy price. But many times, even if you paid a heavy price, you won't get what you want. Test, the following the thorn bird "and" the nightingale wilde with rose "is such.
The thorn bird (The thorn in The family of a legend), said that The bird: sings just once in its life, more than all The creatures that sing The song is more beautiful. From the moment of nest, it is looking for a thorn tree, know fulfiled, not rest. Then put his body into the longest, the sharp thorns stands between the branches, release the voice. At the time, it was beyond their pain, and it also makes the nightingale and songs are overshadowed by a lark. This is a good song, is used to deduce the song, QuZhong fountain and life. Then, the whole world in silent listen, and god in his heaven smiles. Because the best things can use dark sore massive exchange. This is the thorn bird's signature, although just a myth, but in our life again and again, we all want to thorns bird, life in the search for what is the thorn bird, but we are looking for the thorns is happiness. The thorn bird life it last 1 tore heart crack lung of screaming as life happiness, we find happiness also tore heart crack lung, what makes us feel tore heart crack lung, is love, love will have so much magic, like the authors say: the best thing can use dark sore massive exchange. The thorn bird meggie, is a beautiful huan of United States annulus, fell in love with a girl could not with her father Ralph, together with, but still continue to wait for, may be waiting for miracles. When Ralph in front of the lost their money, she will know that is impossible, but she still put this love thorns plugged into his chest, for his beautiful love the most beautiful singing. This is also true love and all the good things are needed for the unimaginable. For their love of meggie paid a heavy price for all people, more or less will pay the corresponding cost.
To see The nightingale and wilde rose and The nightingale (started) to obtain The nightingale red roses for boys in The moonlight, his heart into The city, and then rose night singing know her life blood flow to The heart of The rose into The roses. She hurt, the song, she sang a pediatric woman love from the heart to the adult male and female, to death by passion to finish in the tomb of love, the love songs of immortality, singing and louder, sing to the red rose and chatter, sing to the moon also forgot whereabouts, her singing spread into the purple hole, the shepherd, aroused sleep float across the sea... fringing... got up in the moonlight, with blood dyed red roses to build it of music (by moonlight, its heart stain it 'blood -). However, in the life is the nightingale rose without being too seriously, finally thrown in a rut, although is such, but the nightingale heard her sing oneself or are obtained in this lifetime best music. Nightingales do, because it feels: no matter how smart, love philosophy more clever than it, Regardless of how great power, love is more than it is great. "The broken heart, love of distress" and "die", this is the beloved wilde, and theme of fairy tales of his pursuit of artistic beauty. The world is on the pursuit of love, although they will pay the price, but still very devoted to find love, happiness.
For the love, we like thorns bird and nightingales will own body into thorns and thrust, keep singing, singing, know life, never do not sing a note. It is also brings us tore heart crack lung, hazing thorns, and his pursuit of happiness. Love, love and death, not only because of love, so will pay precious life to pursue it.
第1个回答  2009-12-27
零分??? 开玩笑