


1 Here are two cards
2 Now I fold this one horizontally 横着折, and this one vertically竖着折
3 Alright, I put both of them together
4 Then I turn them over
5 I push the card inside forward
6 Look! Why doesn't the head match the tail?

牌 cards; playing cards
红桃6 heart 6
spade, heart, diamond, club
A Ace J Jack Q Queen K King

第1个回答  2009-12-27
1) this is two CARDS
(2) now I put a cross with a fold, a discount
(3) ok, I will put them together.
(4) to be inside them
(5) the card to extrapolate
(6) : look! How head wrong tail?
第2个回答  2009-12-27
1) It is two cards
(2) Now I took a sideways folding, a fold on end
(3) Well, I then put them together.
(4) and then they turn over
(5) to deliberately alienate inside a card
(6) Look! How the first does not end?
第3个回答  2009-12-27
1 Here are two cards
2 Now I fold one card horizontally and the other one vertically.
3 Ok, I put them together
4 Turn them over
5 Push the one inside out
6 Look! Why the head does not correspond the tail?
第4个回答  2009-12-27
1. Here are two cards. 或者 These are two cards. 第一种表达方式比较常用。
2. Now I fold one card horizontally and other one vertically.
3. Okay, then I put them together.
4. And, flip them over.
5. Push the card from inside out.
6. Look! How come the head is not matching the tail?


红桃6:Heart 6

第5个回答  2009-12-27
(1) this is two plate
(2) I have held a sheet at present being laid across breaking , a sheet has broken
(3) all right up endways , I have readjusted oneself to a certain extent again with them together.
(4) flips them over a plate in
(5) pushes
(6) to the outside again! Why head does not check a tail?
红桃6就是Make a peach red 6