

1. Conserve energy and resources: Set your air conditioning temperature no lower than 26°C in summer and no higher than 20°C in winter. Turn off electrical appliances when not in use, take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible, and switch off lights when leaving a room. Use water and paper efficiently, and order food according to your needs to avoid waste.
2. Practice green consumption: Prefer green products, opt for durable items, and minimize the purchase of disposable and excessively packaged goods. Avoid buying electronic products that are quickly replaced, and carry your own shopping bags and water bottles when going out. Reuse, share, or donate unused items.
3. Choose low-carbon transportation:优先步行、骑行或使用公共交通工具出行,多使用共享交通工具,家庭用车优先选择新能源汽车或节能型汽车。
4. Classify waste: Learn about waste classification and recycling. Dispose of hazardous waste separately as indicated, and sort other household waste accordingly. Avoid littering or improper disposal.
5. Cherish natural ecology: Care for the ecosystem of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grass. Participate in tree planting initiatives, protect wild plants and animals, and avoid damaging their habitats. Refrain from entering protected areas without permission, and do not buy or use products made from rare wild animals or plants.
6. Avoid using non-recyclable products: Carry shopping bags to avoid using disposable, non-recyclable plastic bags.
7. Save water: Conserve water and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
8. Walk or cycle: Whenever possible, walk, cycle, or use public transportation instead of driving.
9. Follow waste classification rules: Adhere to regulations that prohibit littering. Dispose of waste in designated areas or containers.
10. Embrace a natural lifestyle: Avoid burning waste or straw, reduce the use of coal, and limit the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers. Oppose outdoor barbecues, reduce油烟 emissions, use less chemical detergent, minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and avoid noise pollution.