enjoy的用法? enjoy的意思


1. Enjoy + 名词/代词:例如,"I enjoy music."(我喜欢音乐。)或者 "Did you enjoy the party?"(你喜欢那个派对吗?)
2. Enjoy + 动名词(即动词的-ing形式):例如,"She enjoys reading."(她喜欢阅读。)或者 "We enjoy hiking in the mountains."(我们喜欢在山上徒步。)
3. Enjoy oneself:这是一个反身动词短语,意思是"玩得开心"或"过得愉快"。例如,"Did you enjoy yourself at the concert?"(你在音乐会上玩得开心吗?)
4. Enjoy + 物质享受或权利:例如,"He enjoys good health."(他身体健康。)或者 "She enjoys a high reputation in her field."(她在她的领域享有很高的声誉。)
在使用"enjoy"时,需要注意的是,它通常不能直接接不定式(即动词的原形)。例如,我们通常不会说"I enjoy to read.",而应该说"I enjoy reading."。
第1个回答  2023-11-10
(A) enjoy: 动词enjoy doing sth
1. He enjoyed the meal. 享受
2. He enjoyed good health all his life. 经历
3. She enjoyed herself at the party. 过得快活 [have a good time/ have fun...]
4. The average German will enjoy 40 days' paid holiday this year. 享有
5. the land enjoyed a summer of rain 经历

(B) enjoyable: 形容词
1. an enjoyable book; That was most enjoyable. 愉快的/快活的

(C) enjoyment:名词
1. the enjoyment of life. 欢乐