

      two students dropped the water, dozens of students to try to rescue them, and two students had been rescued, but at the expense of three college students.
    they let me admire courageous approach. three 19-year-old university student, the flowering season the same age, it is so fresh it but saying good-bye to their precious lives. although we advocate courageous, but we can not be unaware of their true ability, but the degrees themselves do not do those things, to within the scope of our own strength, not a loss to go red.
    think of my life, i have in my life, and did not say too much to help others, only by root or by a rubber pencil, sometimes in a bad mood does not take the time. compared to him, i feel i did very wrong, should be exhausted their best to help others. i know that, and when his bad mood, the best way is to help others and do something successful when there is a sense of accomplishment will be very, very happy, students, and you say, right?
    in short, i will be learning later in life more to help others!


    他们见义勇为的做法让 敬佩。三个19岁的大学生,花季一样的年龄,就这样送走了自己那鲜活而又宝贵的生命。虽然 提倡见义勇为,但是 不能不了解自己真正的能力,不过度的去做那些自己做不了的事情,要在自己的实力范围之内,不茫然的去冲。

    想想 的生活, 在 的生活里,并没有说多大的去帮助过别人,只是借根铅笔或借个橡皮,有时候心情不好的时候就不借。比起他来, 感觉 做的非常的不对,应该用尽自己的全力去帮助别人。 知道了,当自己心情不好的时候,最好的办法就是帮助别人,做成功一件事的时候,就会非常的有成就感,就非常的高兴,同学们, 说对不对?

    总之, 会在以后的生活学习中,多帮助别人!
