learn to cook作文

learn to cook作文

Mother often said to me:" you are so big,should learn to do things to adults,learn to live independently." I thought to myself:that it is!What can I do?
Just,mom and Dad,night to go to the meeting,can come back very late.Yes.This is a good opportunity to learn things,give father mother to cook.Say to work,I got a bowl of rice,poured into the basin,faucet Amoy net,and to the pot and pour water into it.I lit the stove.Then sit on the bench,about a few minutes,I smelled a rice taste,lifted the lid,fragrant rice appeared in front of me.I fired a dish of tomato and egg.
Mom and dad came back,I quickly end the food.Dad and mom was hungry,they eat while she asked:" who did this?" My red face said:" yes I do." Mother said:"we have a cook.