
1下周jingshang Middle School English Corner的主题是(How I learned to learn English)你在学校赢得了英语演讲比赛的大奖,你被邀请做经验接受,谈谈你学习英语有多久了,以及你学习英语的方法,并给同学们一些学习英语的建议.写一篇80词左右的短文.



4假设你在一次远足活动中迷了路,要过一天一夜.假设你手中及身边有以下物品.你会怎样做呢?(jnife,bag,plastic bag,rope,coat,match fishhook,catch,bottle)(用虚拟语气)80字数左右.


6以My Favorit Book为题,写一篇80个词左右的短文,介绍一下你最喜欢的一本书,包括书的内容简介,以及你对书的评价等.





Along the long history of China, the great people has created to the world civilization innumerable priceless treasures, among which were four great inventions named powder, compass, papermaking skill, printing.
In my opinion, all of these are brilliant, however, papermaking skill may occupy a more important position. This invention has produced us a world with cheap, convenient paper.
First, human learn and spread knowledge with books in a long period of history up to nowadays. The use of paper thoroughly removed the limit of writing materials. Second, paper has indeed played an important role in our daily life. For example, what helps us clean our hands and mouths after we have dinner? Yes, we use napkin. Paper has gotten us out of trouble of dirt effectively.
As these characteristics shows, paper has brought humen a lot of benefits that outweigh other inventions, so papermaking sI have a good friend whose name is called XXX.We have become good friends since gaoyi .I like to play with her very much.She has a beautiful feature and a lovely face.She is a girl of great strengh.sometime ,we have quarrels,but we know we quarrel is because we care about each other,and our relationship will stand still.She is considerate,thoughtful,kind,and always care about me.When I'm in trouble ,she'll give me her hands.When I feel lonely,she'll stay beside me .When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don’t matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best and keep going”.i feel happy beacause i can have such a good friend in my life.kill is the most useful invention of the four great inventions.
第1个回答  2010-02-22
look at me

Along the long history of China, the great people has created to the world civilization innumerable priceless treasures, among which were four great inventions named powder, compass, papermaking skill, printing.
In my opinion, all of these are brilliant, however, papermaking skill may occupy a more important position. This invention has produced us a world with cheap, convenient paper.
First, human learn and spread knowledge with books in a long period of history up to nowadays. The use of paper thoroughly removed the limit of writing materials. Second, paper has indeed played an important role in our daily life. For example, what helps us clean our hands and mouths after we have dinner? Yes, we use napkin. Paper has gotten us out of trouble of dirt effectively.
As these characteristics shows, paper has brought humen a lot of benefits that outweigh other inventions, so papermaking skill is the most useful invention of the four great inventions.
China is well known for its introduction of ways and means to help ease the life of mankind. Among the inventions of Ancient China, four emerged as great contributions to the developments and changes not only to the country, but also to the world’s economy and culture.

The four great inventions of Ancient China were papermaking, commercial printing, gunpowder, and the compass.


Even before there was paper, the Ancient China already has its way of writing down its characters by way of carving on pottery, stones and animal bones, on bamboo or wooden strips and silk. They even cast their characters on bronzes. However, these proved to be too heavy or too expensive for the Chinese to use in corresponding with others. Hence, paper was invented.

Proper paper was first discovered in Gansu Province. It was a proof that from the time of the Western Han Dynasty, the Chinese already used paper. But it was Cai Lun who invented a more developed art of papermaking using plant fibers as raw materials. The first batch made, which was supervised by Cai Lun himself, was presented to the Han Emperor in 105 AD, which so delighted the Emperor that he named the material as “Marqui Cai’s paper”.

This very important invention paved the way for other writing materials to emerge, as well as provide the means for the invention of commercial printing later on.

Commercial Printing

It was Bi Sheng who first introduced movable type printing in the 1040’s, which was considered as the major force in the history of commercial printing. Bi Sheng used squares of clay where he curved individual Chinese characters. Later on, other types of printing such as wood, copper and lead evolved from this clay type movable printing.

However, this significant invention did not make a great impact compared to the way Gutenberg’s moveable type revolutionized the Western world. It was due to the fact that the individual characters used were so many, while the English language only needs 26 characters. It was much easier to manipulate the latter on a printing press than the 3000-5000 Chinese characters. Nevertheless, commercial printing in Ancient China changed the way people reproduced their printed materials.


The other two great inventions were gunpowder and the compass. The Chinese demonstrated their invention of gunpowder in the 18th century AD when it was used by the army of the Song Dynasty. By combining sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, the Chinese found a way to develop new weapons, including rockets launched from bamboo tubes.


On the other hand, the compass was widely used in Ancient China for navigational purposes. The Chinese found out that natural magnets are abundant, and that by making magnets, they were able to align the pieces in a North/South position. The magnets were then placed in a bowl of water with directional bearings.
第2个回答  2010-02-20
Along the long history of China, the great people has created to the world civilization innumerable priceless treasures, among which were four great inventions named powder, compass, papermaking skill, printing.
In my opinion, all of these are brilliant, however, papermaking skill may occupy a more important position. This invention has produced us a world with cheap, convenient paper.
First, human learn and spread knowledge with books in a long period of history up to nowadays. The use of paper thoroughly removed the limit of writing materials. Second, paper has indeed played an important role in our daily life. For example, what helps us clean our hands and mouths after we have dinner? Yes, we use napkin. Paper has gotten us out of trouble of dirt effectively.
As these characteristics shows, paper has brought humen a lot of benefits that outweigh other inventions, so papermaking skill is the most useful invention of the four great inventions.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-02-21
Four Great Inventions

Made in China: Four Great Inventions by Char4U.com

China is well known for its introduction of ways and means to help ease the life of mankind. Among the inventions of Ancient China, four emerged as great contributions to the developments and changes not only to the country, but also to the world’s economy and culture.

The four great inventions of Ancient China were papermaking, commercial printing, gunpowder, and the compass.


Even before there was paper, the Ancient China already has its way of writing down its characters by way of carving on pottery, stones and animal bones, on bamboo or wooden strips and silk. They even cast their characters on bronzes. However, these proved to be too heavy or too expensive for the Chinese to use in corresponding with others. Hence, paper was invented.

Proper paper was first discovered in Gansu Province. It was a proof that from the time of the Western Han Dynasty, the Chinese already used paper. But it was Cai Lun who invented a more developed art of papermaking using plant fibers as raw materials. The first batch made, which was supervised by Cai Lun himself, was presented to the Han Emperor in 105 AD, which so delighted the Emperor that he named the material as “Marqui Cai’s paper”.

This very important invention paved the way for other writing materials to emerge, as well as provide the means for the invention of commercial printing later on.

Commercial Printing

It was Bi Sheng who first introduced movable type printing in the 1040’s, which was considered as the major force in the history of commercial printing. Bi Sheng used squares of clay where he curved individual Chinese characters. Later on, other types of printing such as wood, copper and lead evolved from this clay type movable printing.

However, this significant invention did not make a great impact compared to the way Gutenberg’s moveable type revolutionized the Western world. It was due to the fact that the individual characters used were so many, while the English language only needs 26 characters. It was much easier to manipulate the latter on a printing press than the 3000-5000 Chinese characters. Nevertheless, commercial printing in Ancient China changed the way people reproduced their printed materials.


The other two great inventions were gunpowder and the compass. The Chinese demonstrated their invention of gunpowder in the 18th century AD when it was used by the army of the Song Dynasty. By combining sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, the Chinese found a way to develop new weapons, including rockets launched from bamboo tubes.


On the other hand, the compass was widely used in Ancient China for navigational purposes. The Chinese found out that natural magnets are abundant, and that by making magnets, they were able to align the pieces in a North/South position. The magnets were then placed in a bowl of water with directional bearings.
第4个回答  2010-02-20