英语作文how can we get to school

英语作文how can we get to school

how can i get to school?This is a simple question to me because my apartment is just 5 miles from school.After took buses and walk there,i decided to change to another way,which is riding bicycles.This helps me practice my self and protect the environment as well.
Now many of my friend decide to do the same as i do,be cause this is a nice world ,and all our youth want to do something to make it better.
第1个回答  2016-09-17
How can we get to school?乘。。。用by加交通工具,当然有个例外,步行on foot。你可以用不同的人名做主语,一人一种上学的方式。注意,如果主语是三单,动词也要用三单,如 My friend Lily goes to school by car.