

1. 五年级上册英语小作文 my day I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at 6:30.I'm never late for school,I have lunch at 12:00,I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax.Although this is a busy day, but I feel full and satisfied. 翻译 我的一天 我总是早上早起。我通常在6点半吃早餐。我上学从不迟到,我在12点吃午饭,我和我的家人共进晚餐。我做完作业后我经常玩一些游戏与我的家人。我才会放松。 虽然这是一个忙碌的一天,但我感到完全满意 2. 小学五年级英语小作文10篇,内容不限 1、我的好朋友 My Good Friend My name is Daming.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun. 2、我的家乡 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow. How about you? 3、我 HI!My name is Tess. I am a girl. l can speak English very well.I like English very much. I am thin and tall. I am ten years old.I am lovely ,too. I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.It's big.It's beautiful.It's clean.There are three buildings in my school. One is school building .One is dance studio. The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it .I like everything!!!!! 4、最好的朋友 I have a best friend. She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a *** all nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 翻译: 我有个最好的朋友。 她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱。 她的英语和语文非常好。她学习十分认真。 她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌。 她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友——孙梦琪。她还有一个很好听的英文名——Angle.(安琪儿) 5、我的家 My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot. 6、我的英语老师 In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance. We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her. 7、母亲节 Mother's Day es on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy. 翻译:母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。 今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴。 8、你喜欢我吗 Hello! Everyone. I'm a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I'm very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She's my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. 9、钱 Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a fortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not bee misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives. 10、保护水资源 Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can't live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn't it? A poem: Water 。 3. 有没有五年级上册的英语小作文,或短文,带翻译的,单词控制在15个 I have a beautiful badroom.It has a bad,a desk and a bookcase.There are many useful books in it.Hou about yours? 我有一个漂亮的卧室。有一张床,一张桌子和一个书柜。有很多有用的书在里面。你的怎么样? There are three people in my house.There are mother, father and me. 有3人在我家。他们是妈妈、爸爸和我。 4. 小学五年级英语作文带翻译 my family Do you know my family? You don't know? OK, let me intro you. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father, Kenh, he is a manager. Does he have any hobbies? Of course. He likes sport, especially table tennis. But my mother and I don't like this hobby. He play table tennis very will. My mother, rose, she is a housewife. And she has the same hobby with a majority of other housewives—going shopping. I, Jessica, oh! I think I have a lot of hobbies! Drawing pictures, collecting stamps, reading books……OK, OK, I like drawing pictures, it's the best! This is my family. Do you know now? 你知道我的家人?你不知道吗?好的,让我介绍你。 有三种人在我的家人。他们是我的爸爸,妈妈和一 我的父亲,午,他是一个经理。他是否有什么爱好?当然。他喜欢运动,尤其是乒乓球。但我和我的母亲不喜欢这个爱好。他打乒乓球。 我的母亲,玫瑰,她是一位家庭主妇。和她有相同的爱好与大多数其他的家庭主妇,逛商店。 我,杰西卡哦!我觉得我有很多的爱好!画画,集邮,看书。。好,好,我喜欢画画,这是最好的! 这是我的家人。你知道吗? 5. 小学语文五年级上册第二单元作文怎么写 卖麻团的老人 卖麻团了,卖麻团了……"又是这该死的叫卖声把我从梦中吵醒,不用说,现在是五点三十分,离我该起床的时间还有半小时.不知怎地,就在最近,我们这来了一个卖麻团的老头子,他每天五点半的时候就开始叫卖了,无论是平时,还是周末;无论是晴天,还是刮风下雨,都雷打不动.每天都是他搅乱了我的好梦,我本应在六点起床,这时候被他吵醒,让我睡又不敢睡,起又不想起,只好在床上翻来覆去,白白浪费半小时的时光,别提有多难受了,为此我对这个卖麻团的十分痛恨,听到这个叫卖声就头痛心烦,不知在心里恶狠狠地骂过他多少次了.然而直到有一天,我对这个卖麻团的老爷爷的看法,一下子改变了.那是一个很晴朗的星期天的早晨,我照例还是被这可恶的叫卖声吵醒,我用被子紧紧捂住头,心里别提有多狠这老头了,难得有这么一个休息日,也不让人好好睡个懒觉,真是可恶!忽然,在声声刺耳的叫卖声中,传来了一声又一声百灵鸟的啼鸣声,清脆悦耳,宛转悠扬,我的心不禁一动,反正也睡不着,不如出去看看早晨的景色,顺便看看这到底是一个怎样的老人,手艺究竟如何,于是我掀开被子,麻利地穿了起来.我拿了点零钱,走出家门,嘿,好晴朗的天哟,天空一碧如洗,阳光灿烂,我的心一下子也开朗起来.我顺着叫卖声找寻那位卖麻团的老人,远远就看见一个老人被一大群孩子围着,我心想,怪不得天天来叫卖,原来生意不错.我赶忙紧走几步,走近一看,心中不由得有些吃惊,我心中卖麻团的是一个全身沾满油污、邋遢龌龊的人,没想到眼前的这位老人他穿一件洗得发白的旧军装,却上下整洁得体,显得干练精神.我暗暗产生了几分好感,递过手中的零钱,说:"给我来两只."老人一手接过钱,另一只手拿起一双筷子和一只方便袋,夹出两只麻团放到袋子里温和地说:"小心,拿好."我接过来,拿出一只,咬了一口,真是又香又脆,口感极佳,味道好极了,我不禁对他喜欢起来,细细地打量着他:饱经风霜的脸上留下道道岁月刻磨的皱纹,身体硬朗,脸上始终对孩子洋溢着可亲的笑容,怪不得孩子围了一大圈,怪不得孩子这么愿意吃,怪不得天天来叫卖……我满怀惬意吃着麻团往回走…… 谁知刚走了几步就被老人叫住了,我的心不由得"咯噔"一下,心想我不是刚付过钱吗,怎么,想讹我?我心中刚升起的对他的好感一下子风吹云散,荡然无存了,我愤怒地转过身,刚想发作.谁知这位老人从口袋里掏出四块半钱递给我,歉意地对我说:"小同学,刚才忙,没功夫找你钱,实在对不住."我莫名其妙,他忙说:"你给了我五块钱."我恍然大悟,原来因为着急,没在意错把五块当成五角了,望着老人递过来的钱,想起自己头脑里的念头,我的脸红一阵白一阵,不知怎么办才好,老人看到我这样,关切地问:"小同学,怎么啦?哪儿不舒服?"我无言以对,我真恨我自己,我怎么能用这样的眼光来看待这样一位用辛苦劳动养活自己的老人呢?我忙把老人递过的钱又伸了过去,说:"没什么,全买了."老人将剩下的麻团全给了我,说:"多两只,免费赠送."我说什么也不肯收,可老人笑呵呵地说:"这就算是亏本大甩卖,买五赠一吧."说完,头也不回地走了…… 望着老人越来越远的背影,我对他产生了无比的敬意,我的心中也不禁感慨万分:平时所接触的小商小贩们,他们都是以次充好,以少充多,欺骗顾客,人与人之间哪有什么诚信?今天,这个老人为我上了生动的一课,人间需要诚信,更要爱惜诚信。 6. 人教版五年级英语小作文 There are four people in my family, my father, mymother, my sister and I. My father and mother are teachers. My father teaches maths. My mother doesn't teach maths. She is a teacher of English. They work hard. Mysister is a worker. She goesto work early. She has lunch at home. She usually es homefrom work at 5:30. I am a student, I study hard, too. We are all very happy. 在我家里有四个人,我的爸爸,我的妈妈,我的姐姐和我。我的爸爸妈妈都是老师。我父亲教数学。我妈妈不教数学。她是一位英语老师。他们努力工作。我的姐姐是一名工人。她上班很早。她在家里吃午饭。她通常在5:30下班回家。我是一个学生,我也很努力学习。我们都很幸福。 7. 五年级英语小作文 Last Sunday I went to the park with my friends.There were many people in it though it was very hot.When we were walking in the park, we saw a little boy crying near the lake. We asked him why he was so sad.He said nothing and pointed to the lake. We were puzzled and surprised."What's wrong? Who is in the water? Your mum? Your dad?" The boy didn't answer. We wanted to help him, but we can't. After a while, a puppy came out of the water.The boy picked it up and *** iled. Oh,my God.
第1个回答  2023-03-15
“火山喷发”,大家一定在电视里见过吧,但你有没有亲眼见过呢?我倒是见过一回“火山喷发,可这是个“火山喷发”的模拟实验,这个实验我也亲自动手做了一回。嗬,“火山喷发”可真好玩。 按实验要求我拿来了一个玻璃杯、一瓶醋和一瓶洗涤剂、一包小苏打、一张报纸。首先往杯子里倒入一些小苏打,再倒入一些洗涤剂,然后把报纸垫在玻璃杯下。 实验马上就要开始了,我往杯子里倒入一些醋,奇迹很快就出现了,刚刚瓶子里还只是一些小苏打和洗涤剂,它们安安分分的,怎么才过了几秒钟的时间就变成了泡沫呢?而且本来只是一点点的泡沫,现在不断地疯涨,才过了十几秒,就从玻璃杯口蜂拥而上,溢出瓶口流到报纸上了。这时,我又兴奋又惊讶,目不转睛地看着浮上来的泡沫,生怕漏掉了什么细节。大约过了18分钟,泡沫又渐渐地消失。哈,这个实验太好玩了,太有意思了! 这是为什们呢?我急忙抓过书查了起来,可书上一个字也没提,唉!没办法,只好自己琢磨琢磨了。刘老师不是在课上讲过了吗:小苏打与醋会发生化学反应,产生大量的泡沫,就像汽水一样摇一摇也会产生一些泡沫。那么洗涤剂又起了什么作用呢?我绞尽脑汁也想不出来。 为了搞清其中的奥秘,我又把这个实验重做了一遍,发现泡沫之所以会疯涨就是因为洗涤剂起到了催化作用。这不是与浮石的形成原理差不多吗。这个小实验真是有意思。 做科学小实验,让我在玩中懂得了科学道理,还锻炼了我动手动脑的能力,真是两全其美。本回答被网友采纳