


gotta , hafta=got to,have to
hasta,oughta=has to,ought to
wanna ,wannabe=want to , want to be
kinda, kindsa=kind of kinds of
lotta ,losta=lot of ,lots of
gimme, lemme=give me, let me
coulda, shoulda=could have, should have
woulda mighta=would have, might have
musta=must have
getcha ,gotcha =get you, got you
betcha ,doncha=bet you, don't you
(1)Gonna= going to
e.g. What are you gonna do this afternoon?
I'm gonna play football.
I'm gonna go home.
(2)Wanna=want to or want a
e.g. You wanna ask her to see the movie?
You wanna dance tonight?
No, I've gotta stay at home doing my exercises.
No, I wanna take care of my little sister.
(3)Gotta=got to
e.g. Are you free tonight?
I've gotta study tonight.
Why she came back so late?
She's gotta work over time.
e.g. Would ya do me a favor?
My pleasure.
How are you?
Fine, thanks, and ya?
I hope to see ya again

MIT 麻省理工大学
VCLA 加利福尼亚州立大学

C/D customs declaration 报关单

C&F cost&freight 成本加运费价

C.O certificate of origin 一般原产地证

D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单

D/P document against payment 付款交单

DL/DLS dollar/dollars 美元

DOZ/DZ dozen 一打儿

EA each 每个,各

FAC facsimile 传真

G.S.P. generalized system of preferences 普惠制

G.W. gross weight 毛重

IMP import 进口

N.W. net weight 净重

PCE/PCS piece/pieces 只、个、支等

PKG package 一包、一捆、一扎、一件等

T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇

W with 具有

w/o without 没有

WT weight 重量

WWW----万维网(World Wide Wdb);
Http---超文本传输协议(Hypertext transfer protocol);
FTP----文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol);
TCP----传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol);
IP-----网际协议(Internet Protocol);
ISP----网络服务提供商(Internet Service Provider);
DNS----域名服务器(Domain Name Server);
IE-----网络浏览器(Internet Explorer);
OE-----邮件收发软件(Outlook Express);
LAN----局域网(Local Area Network);
MAN----城域网(Metropolitan Area Network);
WAN----广域网(Wide Area Network);
回答者:cgy91711 - 见习魔法师 三级 8-31 15:54

have gotta do
LOL(laught out loud)中文就是 呵呵 的意思
回答者:wigiiiii - 助理 二级 8-31 15:58

As soon as possible尽快

Boyfriend 男朋友

By the way 随便说一下

Be back later 稍后回来

Be right back 很快回来

See you 再见

See you later 下次再会

Dunce smiley 笨伯

For example 举例

Face to face 面对面

For your information 供参考

girlfriend 女朋友

In any event无论如何

I see 我明白

I love you 我爱你

In my humble opinion 依愚人之见

In my opinion 依我所见

In other words 换句话说

laughing out loudly 大声笑

No reply necessary 不必回信

Oh, I see 哦,我知道

Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件

Reply if you please 请答复

Thanks in advance 十分感谢

Talk to you later 以后再讲

Thank you 谢谢

very good 很好

With respect to 关于

Will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗
第1个回答  2006-10-16
and 'n
are you ya
because 'cause/cuz
could have coulda
could not have couldna
did you didya
don't know dunno
give ne gimme
going to gonna
goodbye g'bye
got to gotta
had better betta
have to hafta
her 'er
him 'im
his 'is
how did you how 'dya
how do you howdya
how does how's
in front of infrontof
-ing -in'
is that s'that
just jus'
leave me leeme
let me lemme
of a/o'
old ol'
out of outta
probably prob'ly
should not have shoulena
them 'm/'em
to ta
want to wanna
what wud/whut
what are you whachya
waht did you whadya
what do you what cha
what does what's
what is the what's a
would not have wudn'a/wouldna
you ya/y'
why did you whyd'ya
why do you why'dy'a

when's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;

kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;

what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;

that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;

It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;

gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;

C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;

'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of;本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-10-16
as soon as possible asp
for you 4u
and 'n
are you ya
because 'cause/cuz
could have coulda
could not have couldna
did you didya
don't know dunno
give ne gimme
going to gonna
goodbye g'bye
got to gotta
had better betta
have to hafta
her 'er
him 'im
his 'is
how did you how 'dya
how do you howdya
how does how's
in front of infrontof
-ing -in'
is that s'that
just jus'
leave me leeme
let me lemme
of a/o'
old ol'
out of outta
probably prob'ly
should not have shoulena
them 'm/'em
to ta
want to wanna
what wud/whut
what are you whachya
waht did you whadya
what do you what cha
what does what's
what is the what's a
would not have wudn'a/wouldna
you ya/y'
why did you whyd'ya
why do you why'dy'a

when's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;

kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;

what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;

that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;

It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;

gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;

C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;

'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of;

ain't=am/is/are/have/has not

but the sentence I ain't got nothing=I have not got nothing means I have nothing!

gonna=going to

wanna=want to

wonna=will to(English dialect)
第3个回答  2006-10-19
ie = that is
eg= for example
wanna= want to
are't= are not
won't = will not
shan't= shall not
第4个回答  2006-10-16