
第三节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你收到你的英国笔友Bob的一封E-mail(见图一),请根据邮件内容和你所获得的海报(见图二)提供的信息,给Bob回一封邮件。 Dear Li Hua,How are you going on recently? I’m so glad to tell you that I have planned to go to Beijing to study Chinese in my coming holiday. Would you please help me to find a Chinese training school, and give me some information about it? Write back soon. Bob (图一) LET’S TALK IN CHINESECourse: Chinese for beginners Time: January 20--- February 19Place: No.1 Lecture Hall For more information:www.redstar.org.Red Star language School Tuition(学费):2,000 RMB (图二)注意:1.词数120左右 2.根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Bob,

Dear Bob,
I’m so delighted to learn that you’re coming to Beijing to study Chinese. I’ve got a lot of information relating foreigners learning Chinese. Here I’d like to recommend you a famous language school--- Red Star Language School. It happens to have such a Chinese training course that will satisfy your demands. It starts on Jan.20th and lasts a month till Feb.29. it’s intended for beginners like you. Besides, the tuition is reasonable. It costs only RMB2,000(about $240).
If you have some more questions, please let me know or just mail www. Redstar.org.
Hope to see you in Beijing soon.
Li Hua
