



Dear parents,
How time flies. In a glimpse, the 4th semester of this year is about finish (December 12th) and the 48-day long vacation is about to come. For the children it may be a moment of relaxation and joy. At the time of the coming vacation, for every honored parent, it may as well be a real headache, especially for issues of restriction, safety and health of their children. Thus, we sincerely urge you to pay attention to the arrangement of your children's vacational life!

To study Chinese indeed needs a lot of time and efforts for the children. First, they have to learn well in listening and speaking. They should be able to communicate with others in Chinese and hence become a all life learner who takes studying Chinese as a funny thing to do. That's the reason why our school will extend teaching time to a period from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the next year (2010). The new course of "Speaking Class" will be specialized in training students' ability to open their mouths to speak Chinese.
We are anticipating that the parents can spare some time to be with the children during the vacation, instructing them on the homework assigned by the teachers, or rent some DVD movie series with Chinese conversations. The family can enjoy the movies and have a good family time together. Wish your family a peaceful and happy Christmas. And happy new year!

xxxx Chinese School

第1个回答  2009-12-01
Dear parents
Time really goes quickly and the fourth semester of this year will end up at December 12.Children will have 48 days of vocation.
That will be joyful and comfortable moment for children.However,how to arrange holidays also needs to be considered for parents.The safety restriction and health of children are very important,so please arrange holidays life reasonably.
Learning Chinese language really buys much time and efforts for children.First,listening and speaking are the first step.Try to be a lifetime learner who could communicate with others in Chinese and regard Chinese as his or her interest.Thus,course schedule will be prolonged and adjusted from 9:00am to 12:00am next year.In order to improve students' Chinese ability,the new arranged "Speaking lesson" will particularly train students to speak Chinese.
I wish all parents would spare time to play with children and instruct them on homework prearranged by teachers.Or rent some DVD films with Chinese pronounce to enjoy together.
I wish you and your family will have a great day in Christmas!
And happy new year!
第2个回答  2020-04-15