
老师要我们交一些作业 ,是计算机专业 的专业外语课程

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The shop online system is a electronic commercial platform which has been designed according to the situation of shop online system based on Internet with B2C mode. It can not only enhance the scale of shopping centre and market influence, but also reduce the enterprise’s running cost, improve work efficiency.

The thesis has introduced the practical situation and the developing background of the system firstly. And then has described the designing goal、system needs and the whole designing plan, has described the detailed design and reality of the system in detail. Finally, conclusion has been drawn about the system and problem has also been raised.

The system has mainly provided users with the following functions: membership registration、shopping car management、goods search、information modify etc. It has also provided managers with goods management、customer information management、news management 、order management and so on. It has been designed with B/S mode of three-tier structure, JSP technology in dynamic page design. Considering from the security and reusing code of the system, key codes has been secured by JavaBean technology. SQL Server2000 database has been used as the background database.

Key Words: B/S structure,JavaBean,JSP,SQL Server2000


The shop online system is a electronic commercial platform which has been designed according to the situation of shop online system based on Internet with B2C mode. It can not only enhance the scale of shopping centre and market influence, but also reduce the enterprise’s running cost, improve work efficiency.

The thesis has introduced the practical situation and the developing background of the system firstly. And then has described the designing goal、system needs and the whole designing plan, has described the detailed design and reality of the system in detail. Finally, conclusion has been drawn about the system and problem has also been raised.

The system has mainly provided users with the following functions: membership registration、shopping car management、goods search、information modify etc. It has also provided managers with goods management、customer information management、news management 、order management and so on. It has been designed with B/S mode of three-tier structure, JSP technology in dynamic page design. Considering from the security and reusing code of the system, key codes has been secured by JavaBean technology. SQL Server2000 database has been used as the background database.

Key Words: B/S structure,JavaBean,JSP,SQL Server2000



该系统主要提供以下功能的用户:会员注册,购物车管理,商品搜索,信息修改等,亦提供了商品管理经理,客户信息管理,新闻管理,订单管理等。它的设计与B / S模式的3层结构,动态网页设计JSP技术。从安全考虑和重用系统的代码,代码的关键,已经取得了JavaBean技术。的SQL Server2000数据库已被用作后台数据库。

关键词:B / S结构的JavaBean,JSP,SQL Server2000
第1个回答  2009-12-03



系统主要提供用户提供以下功能:会员登记、购物车管理、货物检索、信息修改等。它也提供了经理的管理、客户和产品信息管理、新闻管理,订单管理等。它被设计和基于B / S模式的三层结构、JSP技术在动态网页设计。摘要从安全性、重用代码的系统,键代码已经由JavaBean技术。Server2000 SQL数据库已作为背景的数据库。

关键词:B / S架构、JavaBean,由此,Server2000 SQL数据库
第2个回答  2009-12-04



该系统主要提供以下功能的用户:会员注册,购物车管理,商品搜索,信息修改等,亦提供了商品管理经理,客户信息管理,新闻管理,订单管理等。它的设计与B / S模式的3层结构,动态网页设计JSP技术。从安全考虑和重用系统的代码,代码的关键,已经取得了JavaBean技术。的SQL Server2000数据库已被用作后台数据库。

关键词:B / S结构的JavaBean,JSP的中,SQL Server2000的
第3个回答  2009-12-04
网上购物系统主要为用户提供了如下的功能:会员注册、购物车管理、商品搜索、信息更改等。它同时为管理者提供了货物管理、客户信息管理、新闻管理和订单管理等。该系统是采用B/S模式和三层架构设计的,利用JSP动态页面设计技术。考虑到系统的安全性和代码的重用,关键代码采用JavaBean技术保护。另外后台数据库使用的是SQL Server2000。
关键词:B/S结构,JavaBean, JSP, SQL Server2000

第4个回答  2009-12-04

系统主要提供用户以下功能:会员登记、购物车管理、货物检索、信息修改等。它也提供了经理的管理、客户和产品信息管理、新闻管理,订单管理等。它被设计和基于B / S模式的三层结构、JSP技术在动态网页设计。摘要从安全性、重用代码的系统,键代码已经由JavaBean技术。SQL Server2000 数据库已作为背景的数据库。

关键词:B / S结构、JavaBean,JSP ,Server2000 SQL数据库