
I thought it strange that he ________ the last examination. ( )
为什么答案是not pass ? 而不是had not passed?

这个是虚拟语气,I thought it strange that he __(should) not pass______ the last examination.
句型: It’s necessary (natural, important, strange, a pity, no wonder ,suggested, requested,ordered,demanded, desired..) +that 之后以及名词order,suggestion, proposal, request, order等后的表语从句和同位语从句中,其谓语形式为:should+动词原形,should可省。
It’s necessary that he (should) go there himself.
It is a pity that he (should) be absent today.
My suggestion is that we (should) send someone to help him.
I make a proposal that we(should)hold a meeting next week.
第1个回答  2009-10-08
should not pass ... (AUX... should) 省略
第2个回答  2009-10-09
只说明 没通过考试 是发生在过去的事实 而不与thought构成过去的过去的关系
had not passed表示过去的过去 必须发生在thought之前
第3个回答  2009-10-12
这个是虚拟语气。结构:it is strange that + 虚拟语气
第4个回答  2009-10-12
it is strange that从句加should do 其中should可省
刚刚看外文片 正好也听到了这样的句型哈