
1.what i should do is to go______
A)really quietly somewhere B)somewhere quietly really
C)really quiet somewhere D) somewhere really quiet

2。老师说没有“where have you been to?”这句话,是真的吗?
3. Please let me know about it______
A)when he will come B)whether he will come
C)when he comes D)whether he comes
为什么只能选C 不能选A、B

1. What I should do is to go______
1) 常可以见到 go there, go home, 地点状语直接跟在go 的后面,所以go somewhere 就是这类情况;
2) 由 some,any,no 与 where,body,one,thing 合成的词如果要用形容词作定语,只能把形容词放在它们后面,如:
something good 某种好东西, somebody else 别的人,somewhere quiet 某个安静的地方
3) 副词修饰形容词要放在形容词前,如:very good 非常好, really quiet 确实安静。
由上可知,只有 D) somewhere really quiet 符合条件

2。老师说没有“where have you been to?”这句话,是真的吗?
老师说的千真万确,因为 to 是介词,介词的宾语是名词,而 where 是副词,不能够做 to 的宾语。如果改为 which place heve you been to (= to which place heve you been)? 这里的to 是不可缺少的,因为 which place 是名词,没有介词就构不成状语。
3. Please let me know about it______
1) 在时间状语、条件状语、地点状语和让步状语从句中要用现在时态表示将来, C)when he comes 和 D)whether he comes 属于这种情况
2) 空白处应该是时间状语从句,即“他来的时候请让我知道这件事”, A)when he will come 和 C)when he comes 符合这个要求;
3) 只有 C)when he comes 符合上述两个条件。
第1个回答  2009-11-12
1、形容词修饰不定代词后置,所以 quiet在somewhere 后面。副词really修饰
