
因为我的机器是psp go. 现在没破解. 所以玩正版游戏没中文,我的英文又很烂.所以武器属性搞不懂, 麻烦哪位大哥大姐给翻译下, 或是谁有相关网站或是武器属性的文本麻烦给小弟发一下. Thank you .

  GAME FAQ是英文游戏好帮手,只是要对照的话就下面这样了

  日文 英文
  炎 Flame


  炎 Flame Attack Booster

  Sets the enemy on fire. As long as they're airborne, they will continue to
  burn. If Ice is present, there is a 50% chance that either element will


  The burn rate pales in comparison to damage from other attack boosters.
  Unless you have a spare slot and nothing else better, don't bother.


  氷 Ice Attack Booster

  Has a 40% chance of freezing the enemy for 4 seconds. Extra damage done to a
  frozen target increases with the element level, up to 1.6x at level 10.


  Between the low freeze rate and unimpressive additional damage, most
  characters are best off with a more reliable attack booster. Ice is
  especially poor for technique types because it prevents their critical hit
  damage on airborne targets. Techs can't land critical hits on something that
  is frozen to the ground.


  雷 Bolt Attack Booster

  Increases damage to the target. Tends to drop the target down nearby instead
  of letting them fall, scatter, or get knocked back as they usually would.
  Chains to surrounding enemies. This chain lightning effect widens the
  attack's effective reach and can produce amplified collateral damage in large
  peon crowds.


  A must for most. There are a very few attacks, such as Okuni's C4 umbrella
  bounce, that won't land all hits correctly with Bolt because of the way it
  affects targets' movement after a hit.


  阳 Flash Attack Booster

  Breaks enemies' guard and does additional damage, up to 1.3x at level 10. The
  chance of guard break increases with the element level. At level 10, Flash
  will always work.


  Get this.


  斩 Slay Attack Booster

  Consider this to be a death or vorpal element. Has up to a 25% chance of
  killing a peon instantly. Against officers, takes a certain percentage of the
  enemy's health. This percentage increases with the element level.




  吸生 Drain Support Element

  Restores an amount of health proportionate to the damage done.


  Only consider Drain if you need it to survive and the character has attacks
  that make efficient use of it. The Adrenalin ability (连撃回复) is generally
  better. However, some characters tend to lose health over time, even with
  skilled gameplay. Drain can also be a helpful safety net for high
  difficulty battles.


  吸活 Absorb Support Element

  Restores an amount of musou proportionate to the damage done.


  Useful for characters with efficient musou drain-back and an offense based on
  musou-consuming specials. For instance, Cao Ren's C2-ex and C3-ex are his
  most powerful attacks. They also drain back well. With Absorb, he can keep a
  healthy musou supply and spam these charges at will.

  Characters who infrequently use low-cost musou-consuming specials, such as Lu
  Meng with his fire bullets, should take the Supremacy (赋活) upgrade skill
  instead of Absorb.


  破天 Air Attack Booster

  Increases damage to airborne targets. This includes juggled enemies and foes
  hit by a scattering attack from a technique character who also has Bolt
  equipped. Technique types incur critical hits on lifted targets. For reasons
  observed but not yet well known, Bolt allows the full force of Air and
  critical hits to kick in against scattered enemies.


  As a rule of thumb, technique characters should equip Air. For other types
  compatible with Bolt and Multi, Air is the least important attack booster.
  It's good to include, but drop it first if you need room for a support


  勇猛 Brave Attack Booster

  Increases damage to officers, up to 1.4x at level 10 (and up to 2x with level
  10 Might).


  Highly recommended if Might has already been included. Hooray for synergy.


  旋风 Range Support Element

  Increases the reach of the character's weapon, adding 10% of the normal reach
  per element level. Maximum reach is 2x (100% additional) at level 10. Has
  little effect on most punches and kicks, such as Meng Huo's attacks, or small
  weapons like Oichi's kendama. Has no effect on attacks that don't strike with
  the actual weapon, such as energy waves and firepower.


  Recommended for characters who gain noticeable reach and have improved offense
  or defense with that extra reach. For the most part, Power types don't need
  Range for safety because they can Leeroy Jenkins through crowds without losing
  a lot of health.


  分身 Multi Attack Booster

  Creates illusions that strike the enemy for 0.1x damage. Each illusion
  carries elements. Depending on the attack, Multi can fling the enemy far
  away. Has no effect on attacks that don't strike with the actual weapon.


  Often useful but not always desirable. In some cases, Multi can mess up
  combo timing or push targets out of the way early so they won't be hit by the
  later strikes of a repeatedly hitting charge attack. It can also send enemies
  flying so the character needs to chase them a while for a follow-up attack.
  Sometimes it is faster to use an extra charge attack against a target than it
  is to run all the way after a target in between Multi-imbued strikes.


  神速 Agility Support Element

  Increases attack speed, adding 10% of the normal speed per element level.
  Maximum speed is 2x at level 10. Too much Agility can unwantedly move the
  strike point of certain charge attacks. Most strike point bugs have been
  fixed since WO, but a few stragglers remain. Agility overload can also
  decrease Multi damage because not all of the clones will hit.


  Consider this for characters who tend to get interrupted during their charge
  attack execution. Agility also decreases ending lag to some extent.
  Depending on the character, the Stability (顽强) or Highflier (飞龙)
  upgrade skills might solve their slowness issues and leave an open spot for
  another weapon element.


  极意 Might Attack Booster

  Increases attack power, up to 1.4x at level 10.


  Incredibly handy. What are you waiting for?


  背水 Rage Attack Booster

  Increases damage as the character's health decreases. Maximum is 2x at level
  10 with health in the red zone.
第1个回答  2009-11-16


第2个回答  2009-11-17
你给我们打出来 我们好翻译啊 难道让我们自己去找 什么大蛇无双??然后在翻译?那你也太坐收渔翁之利了吧