

榛子(zhēn zǐ)是重要的坚果树种之一,是木本油料树种,为榛科榛属植物,全世界有16种,主要分布在亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。果形似栗,卵圆形,有黄褐色外壳。种仁气香、味甜、具油性,秋季成熟采、收。主产地土耳其,在我国,榛子的大面积栽培种植比较少,但东北、华北的广大山区,都有野生品种,当地人采集来作为山货出售。

第1个回答  2016-12-31
第2个回答  2016-12-31
Parents said some boys now suffer from urinary problems. One child had to relieve himself in the classroom, bringing him shame and causing him to return home in tears.
Teacher Liu is strict with students, according to parents, ordering students as well as parents to make written apologies for poor performances in a subject.
Several parents once wrote a joint letter demanding another head teacher when the students were first graders, accusing her of lacking compassion and pursuing fame through improper means.
But the teacher said she has more than 20 years of teaching experience and parents have no right to decide whether her methods are good or bad.
She refused to give an explaination when a reporter tried to reach her.
Education authorities in Guangzhou's Yuexiu District said they had started an investigation.