

Thanksgiving is the common treasure of all times and noble quality, Thanksgiving is a kind of identity, a love and a positive moral feelings and attitudes toward life. As the current environmental impact of pluralistic society, people have paid attention to the development of economic interests, but have neglected the succession of excellent moral qualities, "vote for me to wooden peach, quoted by Chiung Yao", "dripping grace, Yongquan phase report "and so on with the gratitude of the epigrams owe motto in their daily lives are often overlooked. Coupled with school education, emphasis on intellectual light of moral education educational methods, family education, pamper spoil the training methods, making the community there are some selfish, cold, do not understand kindness, ungrateful people, so people are beginning to recognize the importance of education to enhance Thanksgiving , Thanksgiving, the school education system is currently used as an important content of moral education by the widespread concern. The party and government and education authorities have begun to attach great importance to Thanksgiving education, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "Circular on Further Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students opinions", where "Thanksgiving education" will be used as a point. In 2007 in Beijing to attend the two sessions of the representatives and members in examining and discussing the government work report that to enhance young people's ideological and moral construction should include the Thanksgiving education. Thanksgiving, the school education is an important part of moral education, physical and mental development of college students has a good guide. Thanksgiving education for students to develop moral philosophy, moral emotion sublimation; Thanksgiving education is conducive to cultivating the psychological health of college students, develop their sense of responsibility, sense of life, so that they cherish life a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, cherish right relatives, friends and career to assume their responsibilities and understand the real meaning of our own lives and life to improve the student's personality, enhance the quality of life and living height; Thanksgiving education can enable students to understand the value of the gift of nature to form the concept of frugality and environmental protection consciousness, human beings and nature live in harmony; Thanksgiving education is also beneficial to build a harmonious interpersonal relationships to promote harmony between people and society. In this paper, combining reading-related academic works and carrying out actual investigations and studies so as to equip the current status of Sino-foreign Thanksgiving education studies to understand the level of awareness of the status of university students thanksgiving. This paper is divided into four parts on the current Thanksgiving education research:
Part I: Introduction part of the paper discusses the background of Thanksgiving education, research education, the need for Thanksgiving and important theoretical value and practical value, summed up the current set of education and foreign Thanksgiving Research, analyzed the dynamic development of education in thanksgiving to clarify the This concept of ideas and innovations.
Part II: an overview of Thanksgiving relevance of education to define the theory and related concepts. One ancient Chinese theory of Thanksgiving relevance of education, mainly from the loyalty, filial piety, fraternal duty, benevolence, Nature and Humanity has done a five-point discussion; the West Thanksgiving, education-related theories, mainly from the moral emotion theory, cognitive development theory, understanding patterns and Su -霍姆林斯基4:00 to do the education theory is discussed.
Part III: by actual survey studied the current status of university students sense of gratitude, thanksgiving students raised awareness of the level of impact factors. In which the quality of the educator's own level of gratitude that affect the level of students in the primary factor in thanksgiving.
Part IV: a combination of these three-part analysis, from education, school, social, mental health education four point proposal for strengthening the implementation of Thanksgiving education policies and measures. OK?希望你能满意
第1个回答  2009-11-05
Thanksgiving is the common treasure of all times and noble quality, Thanksgiving is a kind of identity, a love and a positive moral feelings and attitudes toward life. As the current environmental impact of pluralistic society, people have paid attention to the development of economic interests, but have neglected the succession of excellent moral qualities, "vote for me to wooden peach, quoted by Chiung Yao", "dripping grace, Yongquan phase report "and so on with the gratitude of the epigrams owe motto in their daily lives are often overlooked. Coupled with school education, emphasis on intellectual light of moral education educational methods, family education, pamper spoil the training methods, making the community there are some selfish, cold, do not understand kindness, ungrateful people, so people are beginning to recognize the importance of education to enhance Thanksgiving , Thanksgiving, the school education system is currently used as an important content of moral education by the widespread concern. The party and government and education authorities have begun to attach great importance to Thanksgiving education, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "Circular on Further Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students opinions", where "Thanksgiving education" will be used as a point. In 2007 in Beijing to attend the two sessions of the representatives and members in examining and discussing the government work report that to enhance young people's ideological and moral construction should include the Thanksgiving education. Thanksgiving, the school education is an important part of moral education, physical and mental development of college students has a good guide. Thanksgiving education for students to develop moral philosophy, moral emotion sublimation; Thanksgiving education is conducive to cultivating the psychological health of college students, develop their sense of responsibility, sense of life, so that they cherish life a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, cherish right relatives, friends and career to assume their responsibilities and understand the real meaning of our own lives and life to improve the student's personality, enhance the quality of life and living height; Thanksgiving education can enable students to understand the value of the gift of nature to form the concept of frugality and environmental protection consciousness, human beings and nature live in harmony; Thanksgiving education is also beneficial to build a harmonious interpersonal relationships to promote harmony between people and society. In this paper, combining reading-related academic works and carrying out actual investigations and studies so as to equip the current status of Sino-foreign Thanksgiving education studies to understand the level of awareness of the status of university students thanksgiving. This paper is divided into four parts on the current Thanksgiving education research:
Part I: Introduction part of the paper discusses the background of Thanksgiving education, research education, the need for Thanksgiving and important theoretical value and practical value, summed up the current set of education and foreign Thanksgiving Research, analyzed the dynamic development of education in thanksgiving to clarify the This concept of ideas and innovations.
Part II: an overview of Thanksgiving relevance of education to define the theory and related concepts. One ancient Chinese theory of Thanksgiving relevance of education, mainly from the loyalty, filial piety, fraternal duty, benevolence, Nature and Humanity has done a five-point discussion; the West Thanksgiving, education-related theories, mainly from the moral emotion theory, cognitive development theory, understanding patterns and Su -霍姆林斯基4:00 to do the education theory is discussed.
Part III: by actual survey studied the current status of university students sense of gratitude, thanksgiving students raised awareness of the level of impact factors. In which the quality of the educator's own level of gratitude that affect the level of students in the primary factor in thanksgiving.
Part IV: a combination of these three-part analysis, from education, school, social, mental health education four point proposal for strengthening the implementation of Thanksgiving education policies and measures.
第2个回答  2009-11-05
Thanksgiving is the common treasure of all times and noble quality, Thanksgiving is a kind of identity, a love and a positive moral feelings and attitudes toward life. As the current environmental impact of pluralistic society, people have paid attention to the development of economic interests, but have neglected the succession of excellent moral qualities, "vote for me to wooden peach, quoted by Chiung Yao", "dripping grace, Yongquan phase report "and so on with the gratitude of the epigrams owe motto in their daily lives are often overlooked. Coupled with school education, emphasis on intellectual light of moral education educational methods, family education, pamper spoil the cultivation method,
Makes the community there are some selfish, cold, do not understand kindness, ungrateful people, so people are beginning to recognize the importance of education to enhance Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving education system is currently used as an important content of moral education in schools, by the widespread concern. The party and government and education authorities have begun to attach great importance to Thanksgiving education, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "Circular on Further Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students opinions", where "Thanksgiving education" will be used as a point. In 2007 in Beijing to attend the two sessions of the representatives of members were considered to discuss the Government
Work report, pointed out that strengthening young people's ideological and moral construction should include the Thanksgiving education. Thanksgiving, the school education is an important part of moral education, physical and mental development of college students has a good guide. Thanksgiving education for students to develop moral philosophy, moral emotion sublimation; Thanksgiving education is conducive to cultivating the psychological health of college students, develop their sense of responsibility, sense of life, so that they cherish life a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, cherish right relatives, friends and career to assume their responsibilities and understand the real meaning of our own lives and life to improve the students
Personality and enhance the quality of life and living height; Thanksgiving education can enable students to understand the value of the gift of nature to form the concept of frugality and environmental awareness, human beings and nature live in harmony; Thanksgiving education is also beneficial to build a harmonious interpersonal relationships to promote harmony between people and society to get along. In this paper, combining reading-related academic works and carrying out actual investigations and studies so as to equip the current status of Sino-foreign Thanksgiving education studies to understand the level of awareness of the status of university students thanksgiving. This paper is divided into four parts on the current Thanksgiving education research:
Part I: Introduction part of the paper discusses the background of Thanksgiving education, research education, the need for Thanksgiving and important theoretical value and practical value, summed up the current set of education and foreign Thanksgiving Research, analyzed the dynamic development of education in thanksgiving to clarify the This concept of ideas and innovations.
Part II: an overview of Thanksgiving relevance of education to define the theory and related concepts. One ancient Chinese theory of Thanksgiving relevance of education, mainly from the loyalty, filial piety, fraternal duty, benevolence, Nature and Humanity has done a five-point discussion; the West Thanksgiving, education-related theories, mainly from the moral emotion theory, cognitive development theory, understanding patterns and Su -霍姆林斯基4:00 to do the education theory is discussed.
Part III: by actual survey studied the current status of university students sense of gratitude, thanksgiving students raised awareness of the level of impact factors. In which the quality of the educator's own level of gratitude that affect the level of students in the primary factor in thanksgiving.
Part IV: a combination of these three-part analysis, from education, school, social, mental health education four point proposal for strengthening the implementation of Thanksgiving education policies and measures.
第3个回答  2009-11-05
Work report, pointed out that strengthening young people's ideological and moral construction should include the Thanksgiving education. Thanksgiving, the school education is an important part of moral education, physical and mental development of college students has a good guide. Thanksgiving education for students to develop moral philosophy, moral emotion sublimation; Thanksgiving education is conducive to cultivating the psychological health of college students, develop their sense of responsibility, sense of life, so that they cherish life a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, cherish right relatives, friends and career to assume their responsibilities and understand the real meaning of our own lives and life to improve the students
Thanksgiving is the common treasure of all times and noble quality, Thanksgiving is a kind of identity, a love and a positive moral feelings and attitudes toward life. As the current environmental impact of pluralistic society, people have paid attention to the development of economic interests, but have neglected the succession of excellent moral qualities, "vote for me to wooden peach, quoted by Chiung Yao", "dripping grace, Yongquan phase report "and so on with the gratitude of the epigrams owe motto in their daily lives are often overlooked. Coupled with school education, emphasis on intellectual light of moral education educational methods, family education, pamper spoil the cultivation method,
Makes the community there are some selfish, cold, do not understand kindness, ungrateful people, so people are beginning to recognize the importance of education to enhance Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving education system is currently used as an important content of moral education in schools, by the widespread concern. The party and government and education authorities have begun to attach great importance to Thanksgiving education, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "Circular on Further Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Education of College Students opinions", where "Thanksgiving education" will be used as a point. In 2007 in Beijing to attend the two sessions of the representatives of members were considered to discuss the Government
Personality and enhance the quality of life and living height; Thanksgiving education can enable students to understand the value of the gift of nature to form the concept of frugality and environmental awareness, human beings and nature live in harmony; Thanksgiving education is also beneficial to build a harmonious interpersonal relationships to promote harmony between people and society to get along. In this paper, combining reading-related academic works and carrying out actual investigations and studies so as to equip the current status of Sino-foreign Thanksgiving education studies to understand the level of awareness of the status of university students thanksgiving. This paper is divided into four parts on the current Thanksgiving education research:
Work report, pointed out that strengthening young people's ideological and moral construction should include the Thanksgiving education. Thanksgiving, the school education is an important part of moral education, physical and mental development of college students has a good guide. Thanksgiving education for students to develop moral philosophy, moral emotion sublimation; Thanksgiving education is conducive to cultivating the psychological health of college students, develop their sense of responsibility, sense of life, so that they cherish life a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, cherish right relatives, friends and career to assume their responsibilities and understand the real meaning of our own lives and life to improve the students
Part I: Introduction part of the paper discusses the background of Thanksgiving education, research education, the need for Thanksgiving and important theoretical value and practical value, summed up the current set of education and foreign Thanksgiving Research, analyzed the dynamic development of education in thanksgiving to clarify the This concept of ideas and innovations.
Part II: an overview of Thanksgiving relevance of education to define the theory and related concepts. One ancient Chinese theory of Thanksgiving relevance of education, mainly from the loyalty, filial piety, fraternal duty, benevolence, Nature and Humanity has done a five-point discussion; the West Thanksgiving, education-related theories, mainly from the moral emotion theory, cognitive development theory, understanding patterns and Su -霍姆林斯基4:00 to do the education theory is discussed.
Part III: by actual survey studied the current status of university students sense of gratitude, thanksgiving students raised awareness of the level of impact factors. In which the quality of the educator's own level of gratitude that affect the level of students in the primary factor in thanksgiving.


第4个回答  2009-11-08
jirgriejijrjgirjeojjvnjfnnjejwknfjwejfn jnnjnkjfnjbnfjnbkgfnbjgnkfjgbjfnbknbjgnfnmvnbknjwioeioriieirijgj nvjkvnnvjfnvdnvjnkdnkwfpqpqfipokvnncjvnfkngnrvjnfdvnkfjkdjnbjfnbjnbjkbnmvbnjrhguhhgutgutgutrhtruhtiuhiutrhuigfuhfuhdkjhujhgutihutrhuirthutrhujgfhuithutuiuhguitrhhutugfhifuhtuhrfgutrigiutrhguihieowogjwijifbvnfmdb gjbnfutrttriuhuifhgirthuuithugfhiuhr百度地图

