

Jam 困境
作词、作曲:Michael Jackson
Nation To Nation All The World 全世界所有的国家
Must Come Together 必须团结起来
Face The Problems That We See 去面对我们所看到的问题
Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out 如此我们才可能将它解决
I Asked My Neighbor For A Favor 我请邻居帮个忙
She Said Later 她说下回吧
What Has Come Of All The People 人们这都是怎么了
Have We Lost Love Of What Its About 我们是否遗失爱的真谛了
I Have To Find My Peace Cuz 我得让自己冷静一下
No One Seems To Let Me Be 因为人们似乎不愿成全我
False Prophets Cry Of Doom 伪先知哭泣着世界末日
What Are The Possibilities 究竟会发生什么
I Told My Brother Therell Be Problems,Times And Tears For Fears,
We Must Live Each Day Like Its The Last
Go With It 解决它
Go With It 解决它
Jam 困境
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题
It Aint Too Much 不算什么
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题
It Aint 这不算
It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题
It Aint 不算
Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本……
The World Keeps Changing 世界片刻不停地变化
Rearranging Minds And Thoughts 冲击着思想和观念
Predictions Fly Of Doom 预言飞来横祸
The Baby Boom Has Come Of Age 生于这时代的婴孩如今已主沉浮
Well Work It Out 我们会处理好
I Told My Brothers 我曾告诉我的同胞们
Dont You Ask Me For No Favors 别指望我能帮你什么忙
Im Conditioned By 我已融入了
The System 这个体系
Dont You Talk To Me 我不要听你们说话
Dont Scream And Shout 别叫叫嚷嚷
She Pray To God, To Buddha 她求神拜佛
Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self
Do We Know Right From Wrong 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?
I Just Want You To Recognize Me 我要要你认清我
(Recognize Me) (看清我的脸)
I’m The Temple 我便是圣人,
(In The Temple) (在圣殿里)
You Cant Hurt Me Within Myself 坚不可摧,
I Found Peace Within Myself 我终于寻得真谛。
Go With It 解决它
Go With It 解决它
Jam 困境
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题
It Aint Too Much 不算什么
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题
It Aint 这不算
It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题
It Aint 不算
Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本…
(Rap Performed By Heavy D) (Heavy D说唱:)
Jam Jam 困境 困境
Here Comes The Man 他来了
Hot Damn 老天
The Big Boy Stands 看他踮起脚尖
Movin Up A Hand 抬起一只手。
Makin Funky Tracks With My Man 跟我兄弟一同做这醉人音乐
Michael Jackson迈克尔杰克逊
Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手
Thats The Man 就是此人
Mikes So Relaxed麦克是如此无拘无束
Mingle Mingle Jingle 联手团结
In The Jungle 敲响警钟
Bum Rushed The Door 3 And 4s In A Bundle 游民三五成群冲破门槛
Execute The Plan 要执行这个计划
First I Cooled Like A Fan 我得先拿扇子冷静下来
Got With Janet 先是和珍妮合作如此
Then With Guy 然后是那个家伙
Now With Michael 如今是迈克尔
Cause It Aint Hard To... 这难不倒……
(Michael) (说唱束)
Jam 困境
It Aint 这可不是
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这可不算什么问题
It Aint Too Much 还够不上
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这无法难倒我
Get On It 拿出冲劲
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这根本不算
It Aint 不算
Dont Stop 片刻别停
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会怯步
It Aint 这不是
It Aint Too Much Stuff 不是什么问题
It Aint 不是
Dont You 听好了
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我
It Aint 这算什么
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题
It Aint 算不上
Dont You 告诉你
It Aint Too Much For Me To 它不过是……
It Aint Too Hard For Me 这对我称不上
To Jam (x9)
Get On It 继续努力
Jam 束手无策了
It Aint 这是什么
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题
It Aint Too Much 算不上
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本就难不倒我
It Aint 就这个
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这点问题
It Aint 算什么
Dont You 告诉你
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算得上什么
It Aint Too Much 算不上
It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会被这些给难倒
It Aint? 这也?
It Aint Too Much Stuff 这也算问题?
It Aint 这也?
Dont You 听好了
It Aint Too Much For Me To 这点问题对我来说……
Get On It 拿出冲劲
Get On It 勇往直前
Give It Baby 努力吧
Give It To Me相信我吧
Come On 来吧
You Really Give It Too Me 我值得你信任
Got To Give It 必须奉献出
You Just Want To Give It 你正想奉献出
