翻译:英文转中文 谢绝机译

Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.

He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a desktop PC. By early 1991, Linus had created a kernel--the heart of the operating system that works directly with the processor. He called it "Freax," a play on "free UNIX" or hacker "freaks," but when he tried to post it to the Web, the FTP site manager didn't like the implication. He named the FTP site "Linux," after the label Linus had put there for his personal use.

"I never wanted to use that name because I felt, OK, that's a little too egotistical," he remembers. "The name stuck, and right now I'm very happy I didn't call it 'Freax.' "

In October 1991, Linus announced the release of Linux .02, the first functional Linux operating system. Linus predicted the bare-bones code would appeal to shade-tree programmers who were then using a UNIX clone called Minix to tinker with their Intels.

"Do you pine for the nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" Linux queried in a Minix newsgroup. "Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on an OS you can modify for your needs?"

The post reads like a taunt: Come and get it if you're man enough.

He patented Linux under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, which made it free and available and prevented anyone from distributing it without the source code.

Back then, in 1991, UNIX couldn't run on PCs. Linux made an impact at universities, where they were teaching UNIX and using Minix.

Linux's beauty is that it can do anything UNIX can do--on a $1,000 desktop PC. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.

His first surprise came when he got emails from five other people claiming to be running their PCs on Linux. "The source code got some people really excited," says Linus. "A lot of people who used it were people who wanted to play with it." Then Linus got emails from 100 other new Linux users. "After that," he says, "I stopped being surprised."
分数有的是~可是最多就是100分 外加增加的100分还有最后采纳后加的50分。然后你还能白得到20分。最多就是270分啦。

第1个回答  2009-12-10

他开始工作,他自己的UNIX的克隆,因为只有这样才能对UNIX的所有黑客的权力台式机。 1991年年初,莱纳斯设立了一个内核 - 操作系统的心脏,直接与处理器。他称之为“Freax,”关于“自由的UNIX玩”或黑客“怪胎”,但是当他尝试将它张贴到Web,FTP站点管理器不喜欢做的含意。他命名为FTP站点“的Linux,”莱纳斯标签后,推出了他个人的利用。

“我从来没有想用这个名字,因为我觉得,行,这是一个有点太自私,”他回忆。 “这个名字大门,现在我非常高兴,我没有称之为'Freax。 “

1991年10月,莱纳斯宣布对Linux 0.02,第一个功能的Linux操作系统版本。莱纳斯预测准系统代码将呼吁遮荫树程序员谁当时使用的是UNIX的克隆称为Minix的修补与英特尔的。

“你对Minix的1.1,天松漂亮的男子时,男子说自己的设备驱动程序?” Linux的质疑,在Minix的新闻组。 “有没有一个很好的项目你,只是死削减操作系统您可以修改您的需要你的牙齿?”



当时,在1991年,无法运行UNIX的PC上。 Linux的一个在大学教他们在那里UNIX和使用minix,的影响。

Linux的优点在于它可以在1000美元的台式机可以做任何事情的UNIX - 。更重要的是,任何人都可以下载它从编程或黑客或转化为Web服务器台式电脑互联网。

他的第一个吃惊的是,他从5人自称电子邮件,在Linux上运行他们的电脑。 “源代码都非常兴奋一些人说:”莱纳斯。 “很多人用它是谁的人谁想要玩它了。”然后,从100莱纳斯了其他新的Linux用户的电子邮件。 “之后,”他说,“我不再是惊讶。”
第2个回答  2009-12-10

他开始工作,他自己的UNIX的克隆,因为只有这样才能对UNIX的所有黑客的权力台式机。 1991年年初,莱纳斯设立了一个内核-操作系统的心脏,直接与处理器。他称之为“Freax,”关于“自由的UNIX玩”或黑客“怪胎”,但是当他尝试将它张贴到Web,FTP站点管理器不喜欢做的含意。他命名为FTP站点“的Linux,”莱纳斯标签后,推出了他个人的利用。

“我从来没有想用这个名字,因为我觉得,行,这是一个有点太自私,”他回忆。 “这个名字大门,现在我非常高兴,我没有称之为'Freax。 “

1991年10月,莱纳斯宣布对Linux 0.02,第一个功能的Linux操作系统版本。莱纳斯预测准系统代码将呼吁遮荫树程序员谁当时使用的是UNIX的克隆称为Minix的修补与英特尔 后读起来就像嘲讽:让我们,如果你是男人不够。


当时,在1991年,无法运行UNIX的PC上。 Linux的一个在大学教他们在那里UNIX和使用minix,的影响。

Linux的优点在于它可以在1000美元的台式机可以做任何事情的UNIX - 。更重要的是,任何人都可以下载它从编程或黑客或转化为Web服务器台式电脑互联网。

他的第一个吃惊的是,他从5人自称电子邮件,在Linux上运行他们的电脑。 “源代码都非常兴奋一些人说:”莱纳斯。 “很多人用它是谁的人谁想要玩它了。”然后,从100莱纳斯了其他新的Linux用户的电子邮件。 “之后,”他说,“我不再是惊讶。”
第3个回答  2009-12-08
我是楼主,呵呵 不晚不晚。二楼如果想要分的话最好还是写上答案。分数最多270.择优采用。三楼忽视,感谢四楼。五楼最好还是上一下自己的ID。要是比四楼回答的好,270分就是你的了。现在分数是150.晚上涨到200,采纳为答案之后追加50分。谢谢
第4个回答  2009-12-08
第5个回答  2009-12-08