

Learning to follow the leader
Perhaps you have not found it difficult to follow the leader of your social group ,or the mutually accepted director of yur immediate circle of friends. This accepted leadership stems from common interest and mutual understanding.Learning to listen is learinng to be a good follower, but in a totally different set of circumstances.You have great respect and love for your parents,teachers and adult friends,but you cannot always agree that their ways of doing things and their approach to problems are the best ways for you.

Taking Notes
Following naturally from good listening habits is the skill in taking notes.Good note-taking requires action on your part:attentive listening,one-track thinking about what you hear,and jotting down the key ideas.
While writing,do not try to put down every word of the speaker;you will become a non-thinking “scribble-maniac”if you try to take such dictation.Notes in your own words will have more meaning when you review them later,for putting notes in your own words has made them your personal knowledge.And do not erase if you decide you have made an error.Simply draw a single line through the mistaken material,which is quicker than erasing.
too fast with a you wait until it

Learning to follow the leader
Perhaps you have not found it difficult to follow the leader of your social group ,or the mutually accepted director of yur immediate circle of friends. This accepted leadership stems from common interest and mutual understanding.Learning to listen is learinng to be a good follower, but in a totally different set of circumstances.You have great respect and love for your parents,teachers and adult friends,but you cannot always agree that their ways of doing things and their approach to problems are the best ways for you.

Taking Notes
Following naturally from good listening habits is the skill in taking notes.Good note-taking requires action on your part:attentive listening,one-track thinking about what you hear,and jotting down the key ideas.
While writing,do not try to put down every word of the speaker;you will become a non-thinking “scribble-maniac”if you try to take such dictation.Notes in your own words will have more meaning when you review them later,for putting notes in your own words has made them your personal knowledge.And do not erase if you decide you have made an error.Simply draw a single line through the mistaken material,which is quicker than erasing.
too fast with a you wait until it
第1个回答  2006-09-20
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