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长江(the Changjiang River; the Yangtze River )长江是中国第一长河!是世界第三长河,仅次于尼罗河与亚马逊河。水量也是世界第三。2001年,中国科学院遥感应用研究所在专家刘少创主持下,利用卫星遥感影像测量计算,测量结果精确到了小数点后。测出长江长度6211.31公里。其课题小组利用近40幅覆盖长江干流的卫星影像,卫星影像是由美国地球资源卫星拍摄,分辨率达到30米。计算方式以沿河道的中心线,对长江正向量测了三遍,又反向量测了三遍,经计算机多次运算和几何纠正后得出结果。
这次研究,以当曲作为长江源头测算的,具体为当曲源头位置东经94度35分54秒,北纬32度43分54秒,海拔5042米算起。当曲 (由源头至囊极巴陇)360.8公里、沱沱河357.6公里、通天河787.7公里、金沙江2322.2公里、宜宾以下2740.6公里,我们一般称6300公里或6370千米。流域总面积180余万平方公里,年平均入海水量约9600余亿立方米。流域介于北纬24°30′~35°45′,东经90°33′~112°25′,面积180余万平方公里(不包括淮河流域),约占全国土地总面积的1/5。居世界第3位。它源远流长,与黄河一起,成为中华民族的摇篮,哺育了一代又一代中华儿女,被誉为“母亲河”。
密西西比河 Mississippi River
世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。位于北美洲中南部。“密西西比”是英文mississippi的音译,来源于印第安人阿耳冈昆族语言,“密西”(misi)和“西比(sipi)分别是“大、老”和“水”的意思,“密西西比”即“大河”或“老人河”。干流发源于苏必利尔湖以西,美国明尼苏达州西北部海拔 501 米的、小小的艾塔斯卡湖,向南流经中部平原,注入墨西哥湾。全长3950千米;若以发源于落基山脉东坡的最大支流密苏里河的源头起算,长6262千米,名列世界第四。流域北起五大湖附近,南达墨西哥湾,东接阿巴拉契亚山脉,西至落基山脉,面积 322 万平方千米,约占北美洲面积的1/8。汇集了共约 250 多条支流。西岸支流比东岸多而长,形成巨大的不对称树枝状水系。水量丰富,近河口处年平均流量达1.88万立方米/秒。
密西西比河为北美洲河流之冠,与其主要支流加在一起按流域面积计为世界第三大水系(约310万平方公里〔120万平方哩〕)。作为高度工业化国家的中央河流大动脉,已成为世界上最繁忙的商业水道之一。这条难以驾驭的河流流经北美大陆一些最肥沃的农田,现已完全由人类控制得当。流域包括美国31个州和加拿大的两个省的全部或一部分。密西西比河有两个旁支——东面的俄亥俄河和西面的密苏里河。密西西比河的源头在明尼苏达州的艾塔斯卡湖(Lake Itasca),最初只是一条细流蜿蜒向南。

The Yangtze river is China's first river! The world's third, behind the Nile river and the amazon river. Water is the world's third. In 2001, China academy of sciences in remote sensing research experts chaired below, and liu less by making use of satellite remote sensing image measurement precision measuring and calculation, to decimal point. 6211.31 length measured Yangtze river. The topics covered by nearly 40 picture group of yrb although the satellite images, the satellite image is from the earth's resources satellite, the resolution to 30 meters. By calculating the way along the river, Yangtze river centerline measurement vector for three times, and the measured vector for three times, the computer operation and geometric correction times after that result.
In this study, when the Yangtze river headwaters of music as a source of music, for when the position of longitude 94 degrees 35 '54 seconds, 32 degrees north latitude and altitude 43:54 seconds 5042 meters. When song by the source to the capsule (ba) 360.8 kilometers from a 357.6 kilometers, TongTianHe tuotuo river, 787.7 kilometers, the jinshajiang 2322.2 kilometers, yibin, we usually 2740.6 kilometers below 6370 or said 6300 KMS. River area of more than 180 million square kilometers, the annual average sea water about more than 9600 billion cubic meters. Watershed between the lat 24 ° 35 ° ~ 30 migrant 90 °, 45 migrant 25 ° ~ 112 analysis and analysis, area more than 180 million square kilometers (not including the huaihe river), the total land area. In the third world. It has a long history, and with the Yellow River together, become the cradle of the Chinese nation, nurturing generations of children, known as "the mother river".
In the Yangtze river water amount of 2 million kilowatts, China is the richest river water. Mainly concentrated in hydropower resources in the first step, and the second and the third step, the second step the ladder of junction, because this sudden drop, topography, fast-flowing here. Yangtze river navigable 280 much kilometers, known as the three gorges dam "gold waterway," said.
The Mississippi River Mississippi River
The fourth river is the longest and process, North America and the water is the biggest river. Located in South America. "The Mississippi" is derived from the English, Mississippi, indians Algonquin clan language, "missy" (misi) and "sipi) than (" is a big, old" and "water" and "the Mississippi River" or "namely", "old man river. River originates from west lake superior, Minnesota, northwestern altitude 501 meters, little moxa tower, south lake in the central plains, through the gulf of Mexico. The length of 39.5 km to originate; if the largest tributary sdistributed in the Rocky Mountains along the Missouri river, the source in the world, km long 6262 fourth. Five great lakes near the north and south of the gulf of Mexico, and the Appalachian mountains, west to the Rockies, the area of 322 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 1/8 north area of about 250. Collected more than east west bank branch tributary. And long, forming huge asymmetric dentrites river estuary water is rich, nearly. Where annual average flow of 1.88 million m3 / SEC.
The Mississippi River to the north, its main tributary basin area together according to plan for the world's third-largest stream (approximately 310 million square kilometres (1.2 million square miles). As a highly industrialized countries, has become a central artery river in the world is one of the busiest commercial waterway. The river flows north stroppy mainland to some of the most fertile farmland by humans, is now fully controlled properly. Basin including the United States in 31 states and two Canadian provinces of all or part of it. The Mississippi River has two BangZhi - the Ohio river west and east of the Missouri river. The Mississippi River source of ai in Minnesota, Lake Lake (tower), was originally a Itasca trickle south winds.
In the Mississippi River downstream geologist, is a long and tortuous winding river sediment deposition of typical, In the river floodplains, forming numerous bending left many meandering remains, bow lake, ox yokes of swamps and lake water.