say the words 中文歌词?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊


Say the words 词/曲/唱:曲婉婷 When was the last time? 上次是何时? you said these words 你说出这几个字 to the ones you deeply care for. 对你深深在乎的人。 you know they care for you too 你明白他们也在乎你。 so let's all say the words 就让我们说出这几个字, I will count to three 让我数三声 1 and 2 and 3, I love you. 一,二,三 我爱你 I have a mother, she was a very strictmother. 我的妈妈,是一个非常严格的妈妈 and I was a rabble made her life a livinghell 我是个臭丫头,搅得她生活苦不堪言。 but I am not like that anymore, I want to make her smile 但我已不再那样,我想让她笑。 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords 所以我想借此机会,对她说 I love you, I love you ... 我爱你... 我爱你... I love you, I love you ... 我爱你... 我爱你... I have a father, he doesn't talk much. 我的爸爸,他不太爱表达。 he 's one of those, quiet types, you can barely get a word out ofhim 他是那种静静的人,你难得听到他说话。 but I know deep down inside, he loves me so. 但我深深地知道,他爱我至此。 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords. 所以我想借此机会,对他说 I love you, I love you ... 我爱你... 我爱你... I love you, I love you ... 我爱你... 我爱你... I have my friends, I could tell them everything. 我有一帮朋友,对他们无话不谈。 but how come I haven't told them how muchthey mean to me 但为什么我却没让他们知道,他们对我如此重要, is it because of the society restraining usfrom being free. 是不是因为我们被这社会束缚着,已不愿自由地表达。 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords 所以我想借此机会,对他们说 I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... I have my ex-boyfriends, we don't talk anymore 我的前任们,我们已不再联系 but I never stop wishing them happiness andjoy. 但我总是祝福着他们,快乐和幸福 they were big part of my life and made mewho I am today. 他们曾是我生命之重,铸就了今天的我 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords 所以我想借此机会,对他们说 I thank you, I thank you ... 感谢你们... 感谢你们... I thank you, I thank you ... 感谢你们... 感谢你们... I have a pet, her name is Tiffany. 我有个心肝儿,叫做Tiffany。 she's a 7 year old don't masty cat, pretendingshe is me 她是只7岁大的好猫咪,总想假装我。 but she always cheers me up 但它总是让我振作起来 when I look into her pretty eyes 当我凝望它美丽的眼睛 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords 所以我想借此机会,对她说 meow meow meow,meow meow meow, 喵喵喵,喵喵喵~ so many people in this world doing whatthey can 这世界上有那么多的人,在尽其所能, to make a difference everyday, some wecannot be here to say 一天一天,做着贡献,在这里无法历数。 some of them will be heros, but some ofthem will never be heard 他们中有些会成为英雄,而有些永远默默无闻。 so i'd like to take this moment and say thewords 所以我想借此机会,对他们说 I thank you, I thank you ... 感谢你们... 感谢你们... I thank you, I thank you ... 感谢你们... 感谢你们... so this is near the end of song 歌就要到结尾了, I hope you feel the love 我希望你们能感觉到这份爱。 it's not the typical song I write but it'scoming from the heart 这不是我常写的那种歌,但它却是源自我的内心。 if you haven't said these words, then whatthe hell are you waiting for 如果你还没说过这几个字,那你到底在等什么呢? because it never hurt to say these words 人们听到他,又不会觉得痛。 I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... Everybody~ I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... I love you, I love you ... 我爱你们... 我爱你们... So when was the last time? 那么上次是何时? you said these words 你说这几个字 to the ones you deeply care for 对你深深在乎的人。 you know they care for you too 你明白他们也在乎你。 so let's all say the words 就让我们说出这几个字, I will count to three 让我数三声 1 and 2 and 3, 一,二,三 I love you. 我爱你