

Being a good girl can get you out of trouble and start earning you privileges and an easier time at home and at school. If you want to impress your family and your teachers, you'll really want to follow these steps for being a good girl.
Be helpful at home. When you see your parents or siblings looking like they need help (struggling with packages, doing chores, etc.) say "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Open doors for them, help carry things... little things can make a big difference.
Learn helpful skills. Learn how to cook, do housework, and other basic tasks, such as auto repair, changing a flat tire, fixing a leaky tap, etc. Help out your parents and anyone you see who's in trouble.
Keep everything clean. Clean your room and any messes that you make around the house. If you see messes that are not yours, you can still help clean them up. Sweep,vacuum, put away clutter and dirty clothes, and clean things like windows and mirrors.
Do yard work. If you have a yard, this is probably something that your parents hate to have to deal with. Yard work is harder the older you get, and it takes a lot of time to do. Help your family out by mowing your lawn, taking care of the plants, and weeding.