it's just the moment for a healthy does of sarcasm怎样翻译和这是什么句型啊?does of 什么意思?谢谢@

这是前面的部分对话:Reporter: autumn rings in a season of possibilities for new college students. Many, including 18-year-old Emily Bishco, will be leaving their parents for the very first time.
Emily Bishco: i honestly, like, feel like i am old.
Father: yeah?
Emily Bishco: and that i--but i also feel like i don't belong here, like I’m too young to be here. Right.
Reporter: her parents listen to their grown-up little girl with a bittersweet mix of emotions.
Mother: it's such a range from the happiest feeling to the saddest feeling. Happiness for her because she's gonna go, and happiness for us because we're gonna move into this next phase
then, oh, my gosh, she's gonna go.
Reporter: the Bishcos travel halfway across the country, from Atlanta to St. Louis...
Reporter: to help Emily get settled in at Washington University.
Reporter: there are lots of adjustments in store, and it's just the moment for a healthy dose of sarcasm .

“是时候来让受讥讽的健康人做sth了”(没有前后句,所以根据语法只好猜测此处的healthy当名词用) 没有do of 这个结构,而是“of+noun=adj”,e.g. “sth of beauty=sth is beautiful”,这里的“of sarcasm” 是用来修饰“healthy”的等于“a sarcastic healthy individual”。希望对你的疑惑有所帮助。 补充:如此一来的话还是赞同二楼把healthy译成良药,就是这麽个意思。
第1个回答  2010-08-08
应该是It's just the moment for a healthy 【dose】 of sarcasm.


