

On Sunday, I went back to my grandmother's house, and she was preparing to make dumplings for me, so I washed my hands, and learned to make dumplings with my grandmother.
I first picked up the dumpling skin, then prepared the meat into the dumpling skin, and then the middle of dumpling skin fold, to the left and right sides are folded two fold cement, so a beautiful dumpling wrap. Grandma will wrap dumplings cooked to a table, I can't wait to pick up the chopsticks a taste is very delicious. I ate one after another, and ate a big bowl. Not just because of the dumplings taste good, more important is I learned how to make dumplings, eat the dumpling of pack their own hands, the in the mind don't mention how happy ah!
我先拿起饺子皮,再把准备好的肉放到饺子皮上,然后将饺子皮中间对折,再左右两边分别折两折粘牢,这样一只漂亮的饺子就包好了。 外婆将包好的饺子煮熟端到桌上,我迫不急待地拿起筷子尝了一个,非常好吃。我吃了一个又一个,吃了一大碗。不只是因为饺子味道好,更重要的是我学会了包饺子,吃到了自己亲手包的水饺,心里别提有多高兴啊!
第1个回答  2016-08-12
I am boiling the JiaoZi