鲁滨逊漂流记 英文读后感 初一水平 50词


Lubinxun is from childhood very crazy about navigation, natural disposition like to take risks. Lubinxun that has run away from home for 1 year, has started his navigation in his nineteen-year-old career. The sum has longed for his variety of fantasy checking navigation having been washed away by wild winds and huge waves , he has met marine perils. However chance being, he has been delivered to absurd one cigarette island by the billow go ahead. Herefrom, Lubinxun has got to work , has established a his scope of operation. He regards the cave as place of perching , lives in the beginning , is well-fed and well-clothed. But Lubinxun has moved towards life all of a sudden on the isolated island 27, centre does not come across knowledge a bit, he has overcome, a miracle with indomitable stamina. Hometown having finally, accomplished everything according to one's wishes , returning to finally. Robinson Crusoe-1 " this book , lets me broaden horizon for once , also makes mine intelligent having accepted intense being shocked. Do not shrink back at all before difficult position as long as we look like Robinson Crusoe,have his that spirit defying difficulty, what thing the belief seeking to live on in Serbonian bog, has we are not good in successful woollen cloth? More decayed woollen cloth there be what what thing energy Bilubinxun suffers to arrive at? Now's we live in flower inside the greenhouse with regard to the elephant , had experienced the real setback of life , had experienced a tribulation only, ability a accomplishment really firm people. This is to inform mine of principle "Robinson Crusoe-1 ".

第1个回答  2010-08-23
People, irrespective of when and where, no matter how difficult, do not be intimidated by the difficulties should be brave to face, and always maintain a positive, calm optimistic attitude, and challenges to face destiny. Only experienced hardships in order to truly become a strong man can do, like Robinson, is always a winner. We are not afraid of difficulties, as Robinson did, indomitable spirit, courage to face difficulties, not easily made failure, learn to be independent, autonomous life! Be a strong person.


第2个回答  2022-02-06
Although Robinson was born in a middle and upper class family, he did not accept the future arranged for him by his parents, but insisted on his dream and kept the enterprising spirit of irrepressible and adventurous in his heart. His legendary experience of starting from scratch is the dream of every young man who is not willing to live a mediocre life. After being exiled on a desert island, instead of waiting to die, he gave full play to all his talents and constantly improved his living and living conditions with both hands: from nothing, from less to more, from rough to exquisite, and created his own kingdom. He became the master of nature by action, so as to win people's respect for him. Robinson lived in an era when capitalism prevailed. He embodied the adventurous, ambitious, indomitable perseverance and fighting spirit advocated by the bourgeoisie. Therefore, Robinson naturally became a hero in the eyes of the middle and small bourgeoisie. This is a very interesting and popular masterpiece suitable for all ages. I believe you will be attracted by the wonderful content in the book.
第3个回答  2010-09-01