


1.agree with

agree with表示同意某人的观点或意见。例如:

I agree with you.(我同意你的观点。)

She agreed with the decision.(她同意这个决定。)

Do you agree with the proposal?(你同意这个提议吗?)

2.agree on

agree on表示就某个问题或事情达成一致意见。例如:

We need to agree on a date for the meeting.(我们需要就会议的日期达成一致意见。)

The two sides finally agreed on a settlement.(双方最终达成了和解协议。)

Can we agree on a price for the car?(我们能就这辆车的价格达成一致吗?)

3.agree to

agree to表示同意或接受某个提议或建议。例如:

He agreed to help me with the project.(他同意帮我完成这个项目。)

The company agreed to the terms of the contract.(公司同意了合同条款。)

Will you agree to the terms of the settlement?(你会同意和解协议的条款吗?)

4.agree that

agree that表示同意某个陈述或观点。例如:

We all agree that the project needs more funding.(我们都同意这个项目需要更多的资金。)

She agrees that the company needs to improve its customer service.(她认为公司需要改善客户服务。)

Do you agree that the new policy is necessary?(你认为新政策是必要的吗?)

5.agree with oneself

agree with oneself表示自己对某个观点或决定达成一致意见。例如:

After thinking it over, I agreed with myself that it was the right decision.(经过考虑,我认为这是正确的决定。)

She had to agree with herself that she needed to take a break.(她不得不认识到自己需要休息。)
