
She can independent work out complicated mathematics problems which puzzled the outstanding secondary student. 这句中can后面加不加be,为什么?
还有,Apart from inherent influence, the environment of people live in and experience they encountered is also great importance of personal development. There is seem significant difference in the child who between born in a wealthy family and poor one. people后面的live和experience加不加s,为什么? there is后面的seem用不用改成seeming?为神马?谢谢啦
最后一个 child that grow in wealthy environment is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. wealthy前面需不要加a?

第一句,如果can后加了be,句子就会出现两个谓语,分别是can be 和 work out ,这个句子的谓语应该是work out解答出,另外楼主确定你的句子是正确的吗?indepedent是形容词,应该是用independently副词修饰后面的动词吧。
第二句,live改为lives,(live n.V. 生命 居住;life n.生活 复数形式是lives) experience后加s,作经历讲时是可数名词。 there is后面的seem用不用改成seeming?楼主你的句子有点问题,大概清楚你想表达的内容,我给改了一下,你看看。There are significant differences between the children who were born in a healthy family and the poor family.
最后一个,因为语法错误有点多,不通顺,给改了一下,因为environment指的是保护环境的那个环境,而不是生存长大的环境,虽然中文都一样。。。Children who grow up in wealthy surroundings are accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle.

live还是应该用live吧,因为上面是live in,live是动词啊


the environment of people live in...亲想表达的意思是“人们生活/居住的的环境对个人发展很重要”是吧,live不用加s。这个当成定语从句就缺了关系词了,如果可以,亲你还是修一下句子吧,有点过不过去啊,语法错误好多,表达也中式。

第1个回答  2014-03-05
She can independently work out complicated mathematics problems which puzzled the outstanding secondary students.
这句中can后面不加be. Can work out 能够解答出, 能够作出

Apart from inherent influence, the environment of people live in and experience they encountered is also great importance of personal development. There seems significant difference in the child who between born in a wealthy family and poor one.

people后面的live和experience不加s,因people 是复数

There is seem :错; There seems = There seems to be...

child who grows up in a wealthy family is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. wealthy前面要加a本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-03-05

    can 后要加 be,因为 independent 是形容词,而can后是要接动词原形的


    不用,seem 的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定

    不加a,因为environment 不可数
