
1..今年问什么不去参观法国呢?(why not 的哦?)

2.法国一美食出名,例如面包和酒。(is famous for,such as)

3.现在,大气愈来愈热。(these days)

4.昨天我们在晚会上玩得很开心。(enjoy ourselves

5.你的想法与我的相似。(be similar to)

6.我今天晚上有很多事情要做。(have sth to do)

7.下个星期我要参加运动会。(take part in)

8.在广州你可以品尝各种各样的食物。(all kinds of)




12.她看着小孩过了马路。(watch sb do sth)

13.我每天花两个小时做作业。(It takes sb time to do)

14.周末我喜欢到处走走。(from place to place)

15.那个是什么意思?(what do you mean by…?)

16.我姐姐将在九月份出国留学。(go abroad)

17.这家人住在山脚下。(at the bottom of)

18.天黑后出去是很危险的。(after dark)


20.这些小孩现在海滩玩得很开心。(enjoy themselves)

1. 汤姆对踢足球很感兴趣。(be interested in)

2. 这个故事很有趣。(interesting)

3. 我们两个应该互相帮助。(each other)

4. 树木现处于危险之中。(be in danger)

5. 每年人们砍掉成千上万的树木。(cut down)

6. 你能帮我一下吗?(give me a hand)

7. 我一点也不在乎钱。(care about,not…at all)

8. 妈妈很担心我的学习。(be worried about)

9. 在图书馆里制造噪音是不礼貌的。(make noise)

10. 汤姆可以用中文和我们交流。(communicate with)

11. 你对这次北京之行感觉怎么样?(How…feel about…?)

12. 我们应该尽努力保护地球。(do our best to do)

13. 我们努力使我们的城市更加美丽。(make sb/sth +adj)

14. 羊给我们提供羊毛。(provide sb with sth)

15. 你知道这个问题的答案吗?(the answer to the question)

16. 妈妈昨天阻止我玩电脑游戏。(stop sb from doing)

17. 开始的时候他很开心。(in the beginning)

18. 我父母工作了一整天后都很疲倦。(get tired)

19. 你的身音听起来很甜美。(sound sweet)

20. 我们应该从小时做起保护环境。(start out small)

21. 河里水太脏而不能饮用。(too…to do)

22. 我认为英语是很有用的。(in my opinion)

1..今年问什么不去参观法国呢?(why not 的哦?)
Why not visit France this year
2.法国一美食出名,例如面包和酒。(is famous for,such as)
France is famous for delicious food , such as bread and wine .
3.现在,大气愈来愈热。(these days)
These days , the weather is getting hot .
4.昨天我们在晚会上玩得很开心。(enjoy ourselves
We all enjoy ourselves in the party last night.
5.你的想法与我的相似。(be similar to)
Your idea is similar to mine .
6.我今天晚上有很多事情要做。(have sth to do)
I have many things to do tonight.
7.下个星期我要参加运动会。(take part in)
I will take part in the sports meeting next week.
8.在广州你可以品尝各种各样的食物。(all kinds of)
You can taste all kinds of food in Guangzhou.
It is very late ,but he is still working.
He feels ill , so he go to see the doctor .
She closed the door and went our.
12.她看着小孩过了马路。(watch sb do sth)
She watched the two children cross the road.
13.我每天花两个小时做作业。(It takes sb time to do)
It takes me two hours to do my homework.
14.周末我喜欢到处走走。(from place to place)
I would like to take a walk from place to place in weenkend.
15.那个是什么意思?(what do you mean by…?)
What do you mean by that ?
16.我姐姐将在九月份出国留学。(go abroad)
My sister will go abroad to study in September .
17.这家人住在山脚下。(at the bottom of)
The family lives at the bottom of the hill .
18.天黑后出去是很危险的。(after dark)
It is dangerous to go out after dark.
I didn't finish my homework until ten o'clock last night .
20.这些小孩现在海滩玩得很开心。(enjoy themselves)
The children are enjoying themselves on the beach.

1. 汤姆对踢足球很感兴趣。(be interested in)
Tom is interested in playing football .
2. 这个故事很有趣。(interesting)
The story is interesting.
3. 我们两个应该互相帮助。(each other)
We should help each other.
4. 树木现处于危险之中。(be in danger)
The tree is in danger now.
5. 每年人们砍掉成千上万的树木。(cut down)
Thousands of ten thousands of trees are cut down by people every year.
6. 你能帮我一下吗?(give me a hand)
Could you give me a hand ?
7. 我一点也不在乎钱。(care about,not…at all)
I don't care about money at all .
8. 妈妈很担心我的学习。(be worried about)
My mother is worried about my study .
9. 在图书馆里制造噪音是不礼貌的。(make noise)
It is not polite to make noise in the library
10. 汤姆可以用中文和我们交流。(communicate with)
Tom can communicate with us in Chinese .
11. 你对这次北京之行感觉怎么样?(How…feel about…?)
How do you feel about the trip to Beijing ?
12. 我们应该尽努力保护地球。(do our best to do)
We should do our best to protect the earth .
13. 我们努力使我们的城市更加美丽。(make sb/sth +adj)
We are trying hard to make our city beautiful .
14. 羊给我们提供羊毛。(provide sb with sth)
Sheeps provide us with wool .
15. 你知道这个问题的答案吗?(the answer to the question)
Do you know the answer to the question ?
16. 妈妈昨天阻止我玩电脑游戏。(stop sb from doing)
My mother stop me from playing computer games .
17. 开始的时候他很开心。(in the beginning)
He was happy in the beginning .
18. 我父母工作了一整天后都很疲倦。(get tired)
My parents get tired after working whole day .
19. 你的身音听起来很甜美。(sound sweet)
Your sound sounds sweet.
20. 我们应该从小时做起保护环境。(start out small)
We should protect our environment start out small.
21. 河里水太脏而不能饮用。(too…to do)
The water in the river is too dirty to drink.
22. 我认为英语是很有用的。(in my opinion)
第1个回答  2010-07-30
1..今年问什么不去参观法国呢?(why not 的哦?)
why not visit france this year?
2.法国一美食出名,例如面包和酒。(is famous for,such as)
france is famous for delicious food,such as bread and wine.
3.现在,大气愈来愈热。(these days)
these days,the weather is becoming more and more hot.
4.昨天我们在晚会上玩得很开心。(enjoy ourselves
we enjoied ourselves at the party yesterday.
5.你的想法与我的相似。(be similar to)
your opoin is similar to mine.
6.我今天晚上有很多事情要做。(have sth to do)
today I have many things to do in evening.
7.下个星期我要参加运动会。(take part in)
I will take part in the sports meeting next week.
8.在广州你可以品尝各种各样的食物。(all kinds of)
in guangzhou,you can taste all kinds of food.
It's late,but he is still working.
he didn't fell well,so he went to see the doctor.
she closed the door and went out.
12.她看着小孩过了马路。(watch sb do sth)
she watched the child went accross the street.
13.我每天花两个小时做作业。(It takes sb time to do)
it takes me tow hours to do the homework.
14.周末我喜欢到处走走。(from place to place)
I like to walk from place to place on weekends.
15.那个是什么意思?(what do you mean by…?)
what do you mean by doing like that?
16.我姐姐将在九月份出国留学。(go abroad)
my elder sister will go abroad to study on September.
17.这家人住在山脚下。(at the bottom of)
the family live at the bottom of the hill.
18.天黑后出去是很危险的。(after dark)
it is dangerous to go out after dark.
I didn't finish my homework untill ten o'clock last night.
20.这些小孩现在海滩玩得很开心。(enjoy themselves)
the children are enjoying themselves on the beach.
1. 汤姆对踢足球很感兴趣。(be interested in)
Tom is interested in football.
2. 这个故事很有趣。(interesting)
the story is interesting.
3. 我们两个应该互相帮助。(each other)
we should help each other.
4. 树木现处于危险之中。(be in danger)
the trees are in danger.
5. 每年人们砍掉成千上万的树木。(cut down)
people cut down ten thousands of trees.
6. 你能帮我一下吗?(give me a hand)
could you give me a hand?
7. 我一点也不在乎钱。(care about,not…at all)
I don't care about money at all.
8. 妈妈很担心我的学习。(be worried about)
mother is worried about my study.
9. 在图书馆里制造噪音是不礼貌的。(make noise)
it is impolite to make noise in the library.
10. 汤姆可以用中文和我们交流。(communicate with)
Tom could communicate with us in Chinese.
11. 你对这次北京之行感觉怎么样?(How…feel about…?)
how do you feel about this trip to Beijing?
12. 我们应该尽努力保护地球。(do our best to do)
We should do out best to protect the earth.
13. 我们努力使我们的城市更加美丽。(make sb/sth +adj)
we try to make our city much more beautyful.
14. 羊给我们提供羊毛。(provide sb with sth)
sheep provide us with wool
15. 你知道这个问题的答案吗?(the answer to the question)
do you know the answer to the question?
16. 妈妈昨天阻止我玩电脑游戏。(stop sb from doing)
mum stop me from playing computer games everyday.
17. 开始的时候他很开心。(in the beginning)
in the beginning,he is very happy.
18. 我父母工作了一整天后都很疲倦。(get tired)
ma parents get tired after working the whole day.
19. 你的身音听起来很甜美。(sound sweet)
your voice sounds sweet.
20. 我们应该从小时做起保护环境。(start out small)
we should start out protect environment small.
21. 河里水太脏而不能饮用。(too…to do)
the water in the river is too dirty to drink.
22. 我认为英语是很有用的。(in my opinion)
in my opnion,English is very usefull.
第2个回答  2010-07-30
1.why don、t you visit France this year?
第3个回答  2010-07-30
